
Give Yourself Some Love – Tips for Self-Care

Life itself can cause our bodies a lot of stress, which may result in aches and pains, poor skin tone and overall body fatigue. We often spend our time focusing more on our careers, families, and all the other responsibilities life throws at us. That we tend to forget to make ourselves a priority, our body and mind tend to be left feeling unloved. The good news is spending just five minutes a day focusing on yourself and self-love can make a world of difference. It is essential to carve out ‘me’ time, whether it is first thing in the morning or the last thing you do at night, even your lunch break at work qualifies. Take a few minutes and follow some of these simple self-care tips to ease the stresses of life.

One of the simplest methods to care for you is to breathe. Yes breathe. Find a quiet spot to sit and close your eyes, take a deep breath in, hold 5, 4, 3, 2, and release it slowly. Repeat this five times while focusing on clearing your thoughts and letting go of anything that is weighing on you. Let go of what causes you tension.

Need some other ideas? Sing to your heart’s content and do a little boogie. Play an upbeat song and dance around to it. This releases some of those uplifting endorphins, and can give you an instant boost. Focus on that song all day and use it to keep your mood motivated. In addition to singing the physical activity from dancing will keep those good vibe endorphins flowing and help regulate your stress hormones. The more regular exercise you get, the better the benefits. Do not get stressed about fitting it in though. Running up and down the stairs three times or squatting while standing in front of the stove are simple ways to add regular exercise to your already busy life.

Sleep all night long. Sometimes the only thing our bodies need is a good night’s sleep. Start the evening with a relaxing bath, using lavender or eucalyptus essential oils. Then gently massage in some moisturizing cream on your arms, legs, and face to help you maintain your skin while also relaxing your muscles. Once ready for bed drink a full glass of water and cuddle down between the sheets, deeply breathing while letting go of everything. You’ll doze off before you know it. Make sure to get a good eight hours of sleep to gain the most benefit.

The best thing you can do for your body is treat it right, with the right food, right amount of water and plenty of quality sleep. Avoid the junk food that gives you an immediate emotional rush but leaves you sluggish in the long term. When you are feeling a little down and stressed out avoid chocolate. Instead, choose nuts or a yogurt in your favorite flavor. These have longer lasting, positive effects on your body and your energy levels. Why not make your favorite meal one night and set it up as if expecting a special guest – yourself. This could change your mindset about food. Instead of a necessity, it becomes a pleasure.

If you feel your body needs a little more pampering and self-care, why not treat it to a facial or massage?  Both options are fantastic ways to rejuvenate your skin, relax your muscles and re-balance your body’s energy. Book an appointment today with us, and carve out a minimum 45 minutes, just for you.

Ideas for Valentine’s Day Gifts for Your Spouse

Simple things that mean a lot for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is a holiday of love and romance that has been adopted all over the world. While it is meant to be celebrated, many partners find this time of year to be stressful. This special day doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are some simple gift ideas that you may not have thought of:

  1. Scavenger Hunt: Ask your significant other to answer riddles or find clues to items you placed around your home. This can extend into an all-day event where you travel around to your favorite romantic destinations.

  2. Surprise your spouse with a romantic getaway together. It doesn’t have to be an extended vacation, but consider spending an evening at a local bed and breakfast or in a town close by. Make reservations ahead of time, and make the surprise even more amazing. Schedule a spa day and let your worries melt away.

  3. Go on a date together at a place that means a lot to the both of you. If you can’t revisit your first date location, why not visit a place that harbors beautiful memories together?

  4. Have a relaxing date night where you plan the menu, shop for the meal, and prepare the evening together. Listen to your favorite music and just enjoy one another’s company.

  5. Order food from a take-out restaurant and turn your living room into a luxury getaway destination. Watch a romantic movie, or clear the floor and dance the night away.

  6. Consider getting a couple’s massage. The side by side incredible massage experience can be relaxing and wonderful. Better yet, both of you can let your stress just drain away. (Hey! We know a great place to call…)

  7. Take a vacation from work for Valentine’s Day and spend the morning enjoying time together. Consider making a simple, finger-food friendly breakfast with fruits, cheeses, and breads so you can share the delicious temptations with one another. Make each other your favorite morning beverage and enjoy the time together.

  8. Start a new tradition. A couple that I know has an interesting tradition that I love. The wife doesn’t enjoy chocolates that are given at Valentine’s Day so she and her husband create new chocolate desserts every year. Their favorite so far is a chocolate chipotle brownie. They both agreed that making the chocolate confections together lets them experiment and have fun. You can create your own traditions based on things you love to do together.

  9. Write a letter to your spouse. Take the time to make your writing clear, and think about what you want to say. Handwritten letters are so rare now.

  10. Sometimes the simplest gifts are the best. What makes your spouse’s heart happy? Sometimes, all you need is a lingering kiss and sincere appreciation for one another to ignite a wonderful holiday.

  11. Make a list of 14 reasons why you love your spouse. Taking the time to do this will help you appreciate one another on a completely different level.

Whether you choose a spa getaway, a vacation in the privacy of your own home, or a couple’s massage, Valentine’s Day can be as exciting or relaxing as you wish. Just don’t forget to show your love throughout the year and not just on this special holiday.

Protecting Your Face from the Elements | Dealing With Winter Weather

Did you know that exposure to harsh elements such as strong sunlight, biting cold, and intense wind weathers our skin and promotes the appearance of aging? It can affect the texture, tone, and healing capability of our skin.

As winter weather rushes in chapping, abrasion, and dehydration are primary factors in attacking skin health. So, is there a way to care for your skin and protect it from the harsh elements of the winter? YES!

Here are our top tips for protecting your face from the elements:

  • Transition from lighter skin care products to thicker based creams and lotions. This deep moisturizing will defend against dehydration by protecting the skin.

  • Sunscreen is still necessary during the winter. Consider opting for a moisturizer with SPF 15 or higher. Make sure you cover the bottom of your chin, nose, and other areas where snow bounces sunlight to the skin. Snow reflects up to 80% of the sun’s UVA and UVB light. This means double exposure of facial aging UVA rays.

  • You don’t have to forego your favorite lipsticks and lip gloss, but consider adding an additional layer of protection. You’ll want a lip balm that contains at least SPF 30.

  • One great way to keep your skin hydrated this winter involves using a humidifier in your home or office. Central heating is notorious for drying out your skin.

  • Drink a lot of water to keep your body hydrated.

  • Wash your face twice a day using creams that contain vitamin A, C, and E. Be careful not to use drying soaps or exfoliation products. Your skin needs to be treated gently during the winter. If you must use an exfoliation treatment, make sure you do it gently with soft motions, but no more than twice a week. Follow up with a moisturizer and a healing hydration mask.

  • Be kind to your face. Allow an expert to give you vitamin rich facials that enhance winter protection and keep your face glowing with vitality instead of windburn.

  • Stay away from SPF balms and lotions that contain camphor, phenol, and menthol as these tend to dry out your skin. OL (which contains alcohol) and salicylic acid are other ingredients to watch out for as these can cause dry skin to become further irritated.

  • Cover the soft tissues of your body. Your lips, nose, ears, eyes, and fingers need more protection than the rest of your body, so make sure you protect them properly.

Follow these tips to keep your skin healthy and happy during the harsh winter months. Every season offers different challenges, but once you develop a strong skin health regiment, minor adjustments can be made with minimum effort.

If you’re concerned about the health and aging of your skin, consider having a facial done every couple of weeks. You and your skin therapist can help isolate potential problems before permanent damage is done.

Keep your skin healthy and it will protect you while still looking great.

Top Essential Oils for Boosting Your Immune System

With the flu season upon us, it is important to keep an eye out for all those nasty viruses floating around. There are many ways to prevent illness, from practicing good hand washing techniques to getting your annual flu shot. If you are looking for something a bit different consider using products that are a bit more natural, we love to use essential oils. Essential oils have long been revered for their health benefits, and promoting great immunity is among them! Here are some of the top essential oils to consider as you try out this natural wellness technique.


Lemon essential oil is a wonderful detoxifier. Detoxing helps rid your body of toxins that will hinder your immune system. Lemon is made of 68 percent d-limonene, and may support a healthy circulatory system. Put a few drops into a glass of water each morning to reap the benefits of this amazing oil.


Clove essential oil is incredible in promoting a healthy immune system. The cloves that the oil comes from are well known for having an extremely high antioxidant level. Antioxidants allow your body to fight off viruses and other ailments.


Lavender essential oil does not directly affect your immune system; however it does promote good sleep. Lavender calms the body and relaxes the mind, encouraging your body to sleep restfully. Sleep has a profound effect on your immune system and allows your body to recover and restore. Without quality sleep, your immune defenses will be compromised.


Bergamot essential oil is incredibly useful in warding off illness. It’s antibiotic and disinfectant properties aid in killing viruses, fungi, and preventing germs from growing. Using this in your bath water or soaps will help protect your skin from infection as well as giving both your hair and skin a shiny appearance.


Frankincense essential oil is a natural antiseptic. Ingesting it can help prevent your body from contracting infections. You can also use it on wounds to kill bacteria and germs and promote healing. Even the fumes from burning Frankincense will kill the bacteria that it comes into contact with.


Geranium essential oil and Geranium leaves (rose-scented Geranium only) also contains antibiotic, antiseptic, and anti-fungal compounds. This makes for a great flu and cold remedy if you believe you are getting sick or have been exposed to someone who is. Drink a cup of Geranium tea for an extra boost to your immune system.

Not sure how to best utilize essential oils? There are a variety of ways to use them that will be beneficial to your overall health and well-being. Diffusers are tools that disperse the oils into the air giving everyone in the household the aromatic benefits.  Sprays can be made where a diluted amount of oil is mixed into water or other liquids and used to instantly spray a room. Many oils can be applied topically on various areas of the body, can be administered during a massage or dripped into a warm bath. Those with sensitive skin should test the oil carefully beforehand.

Lemon, clove, lavender, bergamot, frankincense, and geranium are just a few of the essential oils that promote a healthy immune system. When using essential oils, be conscious of quality. For more information on other essential oils and their many natural health benefits, check out this list from Organic Facts.

At the Wellness Collective, we incorporate essential oils in all of our services because we know the power these simple oils can have on overall health and well-being.  If you’d like to learn more about our essential oils from one of our staff, please contact us or ask at your next visit!

Give the Gift of Bliss | Top Memorable Gift Ideas

As the season of giving approaches, so does the stress of choosing the right gifts for the women in your life. If you’re feeling stressed, you’re not alone! We’ve compiled a list of the Top Gift Ideas any woman would love:

  1. A destination experience. Know the heart of the woman you’re giving gifts to this year. Do they love hiking in the mountains? Swimming in the warm sun? Driving the backroads of small towns? Taking cultural tours of the city? Know what appeals to them and create a destination experience package. If she’s a ghost hunt enthusiast, for example, sign her up for a local ghost tour. Train enthusiasts may find seasonal rail travel to be fascinating. A tour of the best desserts in the area may bring joy to the hearts of chocolate lovers. The destination experience is unique to the individual. 

  2. Give the gift of facial bliss. Facials are relaxing and rejuvenating. They range from simple masks to in depth facial massages and relaxation techniques. It’s a tried and true gift. If your lady has a preferred spa, choose them. You may also consider doing some research to give the gift ultimate relaxation. 

  3. Gift of Time. Whether the lady in your life is a significant other, sister, friend, mother, or associate, consider taking them out for a night of fun that’s based on their likes. If the gift is one that comes in time, provide the gift in the form of tickets, a hint at the night, or a special invitation to a specific date and time. 

  4. Full body massages are a wonderful way to pamper the woman in your life. Gift certificates to her favorite spa is a wonderful idea. From pain and stress management to deep tissue therapy, there are so many massage options out there. 

  5. A gift of their heart. Every woman has a gift she wants to buy but always talks hers way out of. Whether it’s a stunning pair of shoes, a purse she can’t bring herself to purchase, or a tech toy that would make her blissfully happy to own, a woman will always measure her lifestyle against that desire. Find what they’ve been holding back on and buy it.

  6. The comforts of home. From home spa essentials to warm, soft blankets, a personalized gift that enhances the comforts of home can be memorable and lovely.

  7. Jewelry or accessories that complement the lady in your life is a wonderful way to bring bliss. Knowing what the gift receiver prefers is an important step. Some women prefer diamonds, precious stones, and precious metals while others prefer elemental stones, sustainable materials, and sentimental connection.

When it comes to holiday gift-giving, what has been the most successful gift(s) for the ladies in your inner circle?

Top Essential Oils for Dry Skin

Dry skin can be extremely irritating and uncomfortable. Whether it’s from eczema, psoriasis, or weather – it’s definitely not something anyone enjoys living with. Your skin is the largest organ in your body and should be well taken care of and protected. Moisturizing is a huge part of that! Prolonged skin dryness can lead to cracks in your skin that will expose you to outside bacteria and viruses and can also cause early wrinkles. Choosing your moisturizer is important and using natural ingredients, such as essential oils, is a great way to get started! Here are a few essential oils for you to consider incorporating into your skincare routine.

Rose Oil

Rose oil is probably the most well known for assisting in dry skin prevention. Its therapeutic compounds include antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory elements that promote healing, even skin tone, and management of psoriasis and dermatitis. There was even a study conducted that determined just inhaling Rose oil will keep your skin from losing water and help maintain its hydration.

Cedarwood Oil

Cedarwood oil is used for a variety of purposes. Not only can it help with acne and skin rashes, it can aid in regulating sebum secretion, which can cause acne if secreted excessively. Cedarwood oil also allows your skin to balance out between being too dry and overly oily. It is also used in men’s hair products to reduce dandruff.

Jasmine Oil

Jasmine oil is often used for dehydrated skin, eczema, and dermatitis. It increases moisture to the skin and helps promote healing. However, if the integrity of your skin is damaged by cracks and open wounds, it can cause irritation or an allergic reaction. Be sure not to apply this if you have any of these issues.

Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is well known for its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. With these properties in place, lavender is wonderful for rapid healing of the skin. It also hydrates the skin and restores it to its original healthy condition. It’s incredible in promoting healing for burns.

Frankincense Oil

Frankincense oil has been used for thousands of years for an abundance of purposes. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory benefits. It encourages new cell growth and skin tightening. It also helps soothe dry, chapped skin.

Myrrh Oil

Myrrh oil is a well-known ancient oil. Its origin dates back as far as Frankincense. Its strong anti-inflammatory properties create an anti-aging affect. Plus it works well in healing dry, cracked skin – among many other skin issues such as eczema and sun damage.

Implementing a few of these essential oils into your skin care regimen will dramatically improve your skin. Using natural ingredients on your skin will also decrease the amount of free radicals and other unnatural substances introduced into your body. These foreign ingredients cause your skin to adversely react and result in acne and uneven skin tone. Essential Oil Sanctuary provides a few amazing recipes for you to make your own skin care products at home. Treat your skin well and you’ll be thankful you did!