Best Essential Oils for Allergy Season

Best Essential Oils for Allergy Season

We are nearing the spring allergy season and many of us are mentally preparing for the runny noses, scratchy throats, and frustrating sneezes. These symptoms are often treated with over-the-counter allergy medications or perhaps even doctor prescriptions. However, these medications do not always solve the problem but only lessen the severity of the symptoms.

An allergen is a substance that causes an allergic reaction in your body. These allergens trick your immune system into thinking that they are an intruder and cause your body to release antibodies. These antibodies are designed to fight the intruders (allergens) and they trigger cells to release chemicals including histamine into your bloodstream which then causes the allergic reaction. Examples of common allergens are pollen, dust, mold, animal dander, insect stings, etc. It is believed that inflammation may be a contributing factor to allergic reactions. When you have inflammation in your body, your immune system is working in overdrive already. Inflammation can be caused by stress, diet, infection, and diseases. With your immune system already stressed, being introduced to an allergen only intensifies the reaction. Your body becomes flooded with antibodies causing a massive release of histamine and this worsens your symptoms.

Essential oils have been used for thousands of years to treat many ailments. Many of these oils are anti-inflammatories as well as anti-virals and anti-bacterials. Using oils can help reduce inflammation and detoxify your body, relieving stress on your immune system. With a relaxed immune system, you will see a potential reduction in the severity of your allergic reactions.

Here are a few essential oils that are known to be most effective in relieving your allergy symptoms.

1. Peppermint

When peppermint oil is diffused, it can open up your sinuses and airways bringing immediate relief from coughing and stuffy noses. There have been a few studies performed that have found that peppermint oil is a relaxant, antispasmodic, and anti-inflammatory that reduces coughing and helps relieve asthma symptoms.

How to use:

  • Diffuse 5 drops and breathe in. This will help relax your nasal passages and allow your body to loosen mucus.

  • Ingest 1-2 drops of peppermint daily to reduce inflammation. You may do so by placing in your water, tea, or smoothies.

  • Topically apply on your chest with coconut oil or another carrier oil for respiratory and sinus relief.

2. Basil 

Basil essential oil is another powerful anti-inflammatory, but it also helps provide support to your adrenal glands. Your adrenal glands are responsible for over 50 hormones that support most of your bodily functions. Through these properties, basil helps your body respond appropriately to allergens and promotes blood flow to your brain, heart, and muscles. Basil also helps detoxify your body by killing viruses and bacteria which in return reduces inflammation and pain. With your body working more effectively, you will see a reduction in fatigue as well.

How to use:

  • Ingest daily by adding a drop or two to your salad dressing, soup, or other savory dish.

  • Topically apply 2-3 drops diluted with a carrier oil to your chest, neck, and temples for respiratory support.

3. Lemon

This super oil offers a wide variety of benefits. Lemon essential oil has antibacterial properties which help detoxify your body. It helps promote lymphatic system drainage which helps improve your immune system. When ingested, it also helps balance PH levels in your body and allows your liver to function properly, ridding your body of harmful toxins and infections. Due to its antibacterial properties, lemon oil is also a wonderful disinfectant and can be used to remove allergens within your home.

How to use:

  • Ingest by adding 1-2 drops to a glass of water daily.

  • Diffuse 5 drops to help kill airborne pathogens.

  • Disinfect by adding a few drops into your laundry or into a water bottle and spray on any fabric surface in your home.

Protecting Your Skin for the Warmer Seasons

Our winters here in Colorado have been unseasonably warm. Some people think this might be an indication that there will be a harsh summer. With the intense sun and high temperatures, your skin takes the brunt of the elements and needs extra love and care. It is so incredibly important to protect and nourish your skin year round, but especially during the summer to combat sun damage, premature aging, and even skin cancer.


Sunscreen comes in a variety of forms these days. From lotions and sprays to gels and ointments, there is no shortage of options, which might make choosing the right product difficult. It is important to use a skin protectant with a high SPF rating, but also one that works for you. The more you enjoy a product, the more often you will actually apply it, increasing your amount of continual protection.

Other qualities that your sunscreen should have are water resistance and broad spectrum. Water resistance helps prevent the sunscreen from being washed off by water or sweat. Broad spectrum protects against UVB and UVA light. If this is not listed on the product container, that particular protection may only protect against UVB light. Be sure to reapply your sunscreen every two hours or sooner if needed. It is also important to note that just because you are not in direct sunlight that does not mean that you will not obtain sun damage. UV rays still penetrate through clouds, fog, and mist, so be sure apply sunscreen anytime you know you will be outside for a period of time.

Sunglasses and Lip Balm

Your eyes and lips are particularly sensitive to sunlight exposure. Just like the rest of your skin, these areas can also burn. You may not be a big fan of the large sunglasses trend, however this style choice has its benefits. According to Neil Hodur, OD, and professor of optometry at the Illinois College of Optometry “The more of the eye you can cover, the less the intensity of light to reach the back part of the eye.” Prolonged exposure to sunlight has been linked to cataracts, macular degeneration, and other eye problems. When looking for your next pair of sunglasses, look for ones with UV 400 protection and with either a brown or gray tint for optimal eye protection.

Your lips are also easily damaged by sunlight. Your lips and ears are particularly prone to skin cancer due to their sensitive skin and common exposure. When choosing a lip balm, look for one with at least a 15 SPF rating (30 SPF if you are prone to skin cancer) and apply every two hours while outside. If you wear lipstick, try darker shades since these darker colors help absorb UV rays.


Moisturizing your skin is important year round. It prevents premature aging and keeps your skin healthy and intact. Dry and cracked skin can cause sores and cuts that allow bacteria into your body and increases your risk for infection. However, the same lotion that you use in the winter may not be the same you use in summertime. The thick, greasy lotions you may use during the winter months will not be comfortable in the heat of summer. Opt instead for a lighter lotion with its main ingredients being lactic or glycolic acid. If the first few ingredients on the label contain lanolin, glycerin, or petrolatum they will be on the greasier side. Also, since during the summer you sweat more than any other time of the year, more oil is secreted from your pores. This increased oil production and a greasy lotion can cause your skin to become more prone to acne.

You deserve to enjoy the skin you are in. Care and protect it from the harsh heat of summer and you will have healthy radiant skin for decades to come!

Best Stretches to Improve Posture Between Massages

As you probably already know, massages are a wonderful way to relax and reset, especially after a long week of work. However, there are more benefits to a great massage than just a little R&R. Massage is also great for improving your posture in several ways. The one most commonly acknowledged is its ability to ease tight muscles. When your muscles are relaxed, your body realigns and your lungs are able to expand more and transport increased amounts of oxygen and red blood cells throughout your entire body. This creates a healing systemic reaction.

If you are not sure whether or not you have good posture, you can learn more about the signs, the symptoms and the effect posture has on your body from The Better Health Channel of Australia here.

After your massage, you will want to continue practicing great posture so that you will not undo these benefits. A great way to do this is to take a few minutes out of your day and stretch. One of the most well-known and widely accepted forms of stretching is yoga. Yoga improves your balance and muscle strength, which allows you to properly support your skeletal system. We have compiled a few simple stretches for you to add into your daily routine to improve your posture between your massages.

1. Seated Twist. Sit up tall in a cross-legged position. Twist your torso and place your open left hand on the outside of your right knee. Place your right hand behind you as far as your body can comfortably reach. Hold this position for 3-5 breaths then repeat on the opposite side.

2. Plank Pose. From a kneeling position on both your hands and knees, place your hands directly underneath your shoulders.  one foot at a time on your toes or ball of foot and space them hip distance apart. Your body will resemble a push up starting position. Stay in the position, evenly distributing weight through all corners of your palms and the balls of your feet. Look forward slightly, but still allow your neck to be straight and elongated. Hold this position for 5-10 slow breaths.

3. Downward Facing Dog. From your Plank Pose, release into your arms and press your hips upward and back. Your body will resemble a tent or arrow shape with your hips as your highest point. Embrace the stretch in your back and hamstrings, but if it becomes painful then modify and add a slight bend into your knees. Breathe in this position for 5-10 breaths and then release into Child’s Pose by dropping the knees and press backwards resting your bottom on your feet.

4. Sphinx Pose. From Child’s Pose come forward and lay on your stomach. Prop yourself up on your forearms and palms. Keep your legs hip distance apart and elongate them by slightly rolling your thighs outward exposing your inner thigh. Allow your upper body to raise off of the floor and hold. Maintain this position for 5-10 breaths, then release and rest your head on your arms like a pillow. Allow your entire body to relax and sit up when you are ready.

5. Seated Chest Stretch. Once you come up from your Sphinx Pose, sit back into a cross-legged position. Reach your arms back behind you and lace your fingers together. Sit as tall as possible, opening the chest. Breathe here for 3-5 breaths then gently release.

For a visual representation of each of these stretches, click here.

Using these 5 simple stretches will help improve your posture, flexibility, and allow you to walk with more confidence and ease!

You’re Sick…Now What?

Natural remedies and things to try for the common cold.

Well, this is not how you planned to spend your day or week, is it? You’re sick, and you are already over it. You have to work, run errands, or take care of the kids and a cold wasn’t on your agenda. Not many of us have the time to just lay in bed all day or have rush to go to the doctor’s office just to be told we have a virus and then sent home. Once the itch of illness begins we need to boost our immune system, and fast!

Here are a few natural remedies to help speed things up and soothe your cold symptoms:

1. Chicken Noodle Soup

Ok, so this one is known by most of us, but is there any truth in this? Actually there is! Warm liquid naturally helps soothe and drain your sinuses; however there is more to it than this. What makes chicken noodle soup unique is the mixture of protein, carbohydrates, and vitamins from the vegetables that work as a trifecta to nourish and fuel your body, promoting positive healing. Plus, it tastes amazing and comforts the soul

2. Zinc Gluconate Lozenges

If you haven’t used these before, try it! Experts highly recommend these due to the amount of zinc they hold which may help shorten the length of your cold. The zinc prevents the rhinovirus (80% of common colds) from reproducing in your system and prevents it from attaching to your cell membranes. This is most effective if used within 24 hours of your first cold symptoms and continued for a few days. It is advised to not use the nasal sprays and only use the lozenges/syrup for up to 5 days. It is not recommended for prolonged usage.

3. Thieves Essential Oil Blend

This wonderful blend of oils gets its nickname from thieves who robbed victims’ bodies of the Black Plague during the 16th century. These thieves used a blend of cloves, rosemary, and other aromatics to ward off the plague and prevent their own deaths. The nature of this blend provides antiviral, antiseptic, and antibacterial properties that help protect you from illness as well as diminish current symptoms. You can diffuse Thieves throughout your home or place in your bath water. You can also place a warm damp towel on your chest or forehead with a few drops of the oil blend added to help relieve congestion and soothe your symptoms.

4. Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Another essential oil that helps soothe your cold symptoms, eucalyptus has antiviral and antibacterial properties. It is also a wonderful decongestant and can be diffused in a steam inhaler in your home to help relieve your congestion and prevent against respiratory infections.

5. Vitamin C

Vitamin C can be found naturally in many citrus fruits such as kiwi and oranges and also in supplemental form. The acid in vitamin C is known to boost your immune system by attacking the acid within a virus and killing it. It is recommended to ingest this daily to provide optimal support, but should not be consumed in large quantities for a prolonged period of time. If excessively used it can lead to kidney stones, so be sure to monitor your usage.

6. Neti Pot

This handy little tool may be a bit awkward to use at first, but is incredibly useful in relieving congestion and preventing sinus infections from occurring if used early in your symptoms. Nasal irrigation flushes the mucus out of your sinus passages and prevents bacteria from growing. Use warm distilled water and allow to flow through one nostril and out the other.  It’s imperative that the water used is distilled or filtered well as bacteria from tap water.

Being sick doesn’t have to take days away from you. Implement these natural remedies and get back to living healthy and well!

Men and Facials: why it’s important for men to get facials

There was once a time when men’s health and beauty practices were seen as unnecessary and possibly a little too feminine. Pedicures, manicures, massages, and facials were once frowned upon amongst the male community. However, these types of practices are not just for the vain and pampered. There is lengthy list of health benefits and men all over the world are beginning to implement these practices into their routine self-care regimens.

If getting a mani/pedi is pushing it a bit too far for you, let’s start with something a little more docile, a facial. A facial is just one step further than a massage, so if you have already experienced the power of a great massage, this concept should be easier to get on board with.

Here are just a few reasons you too should consider getting an occasional facial.

1. A Smoother Shave

The skin on your face is exposed to the negative effects from our environment far more than any other skin on your body. External pollutants in combination with daily shaving and lack of a good skin care regimen creates damaged skin, and some men even experience razor burn. Shaving over irritated and damaged skin can create acne like symptoms which leave you with a rough and painful shave every time. The masks, scrubs, and moisturizers that an esthetician typically uses help smooth your skin and allow your razor to glide smoothly over your face.

2. Men produce more oil

Due to the higher testosterone levels in men versus women, men generally produce more oil. Increased oil production can lead to blemishes if not cleaned regularly. You might choose to pop those pimples on your own at home, however doing so can cause damage and noticeable inflammation to your skin. Probably not the look you’re going for! A licensed esthetician will be able to extract pimples and clear your pores safely with precision instruments and expert knowledge of the skin. They will then follow-up the extraction with products that will be safe and helpful in healing any damage and minimizing the appearance of your pores. This leaves your skin looking clearer and smoother.

3. Aging gracefully

Moisturizing! So many men do not even think about moisturizing their skin, let alone their face. However, one of the biggest factors in premature aging is a lack of hydration in your skin. Dry skin loses its elasticity and is unable to repair itself properly. Facials provide deep hydration that replenishes your skin and promotes rejuvenation. Daily moisturizing in between facials will help prolong the effects of your facial and slow down the aging process.

4. Relaxation

Men work extremely hard day in and day out. You deserve a little relaxation and “me” time. Facials include a facial massage which are just as, if not more relaxing, than a massages which are known for reducing stress and resetting your focus. This helps you to be more productive and successful in your day to day.

If you’re still having a hard time accepting that it is okay for men to get facials, look to the experts at GQ and Men’s Health to see their take on this subject. In an article written by GQ journalist Tony Parson titled “Real Men Get Facials”, Tony shares his own personal experience of getting his very first facial. Parson’s states, “I have been to the mountain, and I have had a facial – and I see at last what I have been missing out on for years”.  Also according to a statement in Men’s Health’s blog “3 Good Reasons to get a Facial”, Samantha Inzalaco states, “In fact, probably more than the ladies, guys need facials, thanks to their coarser skin, larger pores, and increased chance of sun damage.”

Do yourself a favor, and schedule a facial today!

Top Essential Oils for Managing Stress

Stress…. It runs rampant in the American society. How can you lessen your stress levels in a healthy way so that you can make the most of 2017? Essential oils are a natural and effective way to accomplish this daunting task. We have provided a few for you to consider as you take on the New Year with confidence and determination.


Lavender is commonly known to help relieve stress. It’s gentle aroma helps calm the nerves and provides a relaxing sensation. Use just a drop or two behind your ears, on the inside of your wrists, or on the bottoms of your feet for optimal effect. Lavender can also be used for minor cuts, burns, bug bites or stings due to its antiseptic properties.


Chamomile is possibly the most well-known for relaxation. Many people often drink a cup of Chamomile tea when they are having a hard time sleeping or when just needing to relax. Chamomile is also available in essential oil form which helps aid in relaxation. It is also known to improve your digestive health. There are two different types of Chamomile – Roman and German. Both promote relaxation and good digestive health. However, Roman Chamomile is often used for mental anxiety struggles, hostility, and paranoia. German Chamomile is helpful in calming irritated skin. Both are wonderful assets and are a great way to manage your stress levels easily.


Rose is one of the more expensive essential oils available. However, its calming and relaxing aroma is undeniable and gentle. The reason for the heftier price tag is due to the labor-intensive process of extracting the oils from the flowers. It takes 60,000 roses to produce just one ounce of rose oil. Rose can also be used to topically treat eczema and even relieve menopausal symptoms. It also happens to be one of the most popular scents available.


Frankincense is primarily used for stress relief due to its exotic and comforting aroma. It has also attained its fame for a few other amazing qualities. When applied topically, it repairs skin cells and restores scar tissue. Frankincense can also greatly improve many respiratory issues including, but not limited to, asthma, bronchitis, and the common cough. When in doubt “Frank it out”.


Vanilla happens to be a very soothing aroma for many people. It is believed that the scent is very close to the scent of a mother’s milk. Your sense of smell is often able to trigger past memories and feelings. These can be recalled memories or subconscious ones. With vanilla closely resembling a tender and safe feeling that your subconscious remembers, it is naturally soothing. Not only is the aroma helpful in calming your nerves, but can also assist with an upset stomach or curb craving for sweets.

Proper Uses

It is important to make sure that you are using these oils, as well as any other oil, properly. Some oils need to be mixed with coconut oil before being applied to the skin. Others are not safe to ingest at all. Be sure to research any oils you plan on using before you use them for treatment of managing your stress or any other concerns. Essential oils can be an incredible asset in your overall health, as long as they are used safely and responsibly.