by urbansqueeze | Nov 14, 2019 | Holistic Health, Skincare
And that is not all. Traditionally we think of pumpkins during the fall season when pumpkin spice latte’s and pumpkin patches begin to be advertised. But did you know that pumpkins have a number of beneficial qualities both when used topically and when eaten? After our research we found four main benefits:
- Anti-aging antioxidants including vitamin C and vitamin A, which boost collagen production and the elasticity of your skin. Antioxidants also can prevent certain degenerative damage, especially to your skin and eyes.
- Fruit enzymes and Alpha Hydroxy Acids – these increase cell production which results in more vibrant and glowing skin. No more dry and dull skin after a pumpkin facial.
- Nutrient-dense, meaning that it can penetrate deeper into cells to have a more prominent outcome when applied directly onto the skin and when ingested.
- Overall a healthy body when eaten regularly pumpkin has a large amount of potassium, beta-carotene, and fiber which can have a positive effect on weight management, blood pressure, and interruption in the aging process. The beta-carotene in pumpkin converts into vitamin A and has been said to contribute to a stronger immune system and healthier hair!
At Urban Squeeze we have done the research and now offer a pumpkin facial.
To seal the benefits and continue to reap the profits from your treatment, founder and owner Rachael Smolinsky enthusiastically recommend pumpkin seed oil, saying, “I love pumpkin seed oil! It’s known as liquid gold and has natural sun protection and locks in the anti-aging antioxidants and enzymes. I personally use Mountain Rose Herbs oil, which is offered at a price that won’t break your bank. Buy the Guiltless Skincare cleanser that includes the pumpkin oil at your next visit, when you book your Pumpkin Facial with our facial experts.
by urbansqueeze | Jun 19, 2018 | Holistic Health, Skincare

Summer’s here, and chances are, you already have plans for a relaxing vacation and some serious downtime to recharge your batteries.
Many people spend the months leading up to summer with diets meant to give them the perfect “beach body.”
Unfortunately, many of those same people often neglect a major component of their physical health—their skin.
Summer sun and humidity can take a toll on your skin; as a way of heading this off, here are our top tips for making sure your skin stays healthy this summer.
One important routine you should practice is exfoliating your skin; do this every day, first thing in the morning before you add anything else to your skin, like sunscreen or make-up. Use a loofah or exfoliating brush along with a scrub designed for this purpose. By doing so, you will get rid of the dead skin and other impurities that can clog up your pores and make your skin oily.
Most people know that water is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle, but many don’t realize how much the skin needs hydration as well. Adults should drink at least 64 ounces of water daily (that’s eight, eight-ounce glasses of water); this prevents skin from drying out, especially if you plan on spending time outdoors, and contributes to an overall healthier feeling.
Don’t be afraid to apply extra hydration such as moisturizing creams and masks. Toners can also be used throughout the day to help touch up your skin if it starts to get dry.
We cannot stress this enough: if you are going to spend any time outdoors this summer, you absolutely must make sure that you apply sunscreen before heading out. The American Association of Dermatologists recommends using a sunscreen with an SPF rating of at least 30. If you are fair skinned or burn easily, you will probably want a much higher SPF. We also recommend mineral-based sunscreen.
Plan on making time to reapply your sunscreen several times throughout the day. As a rule of thumb, you should put on more sunscreen every time you get out of the water and, if not swimming, you should still add more about every two hours. If you do get sunburned, use a soothing aloe-based gel to take the sting out and help your skin start to heal.
This summer, resolve to take better care of your skin. Healthy skin doesn’t just reflect good physical health, but it can also help boost your self-esteem and confidence.
by urbansqueeze | Jun 19, 2018 | Essential Oils, Holistic Health
Essential Oils: Spearmint its Benefits

An essential oil that’s been used for years to help people in many ways is peppermint oil. Unfortunately, for many users, peppermint is just too strong. In fact, it has been linked to skin rashes, diarrhea, heartburn, mouth sores, and headaches. Since the negative side effects of peppermint sometimes outweighs the benefits, many people turn instead to its milder form—spearmint oil. Spearmint is a milder oil that still has many significant benefits when used. Sometimes it is mixed with peppermint oil to dilute the negative effects, but more often it is used on its own.
Benefits of Spearmint Oil—As with most essential oils, there are significant benefits for spearmint oil. These include:
· Some research indicates that spearmint oil can be used as an antimicrobial agent that can kill at least four different bacterial strains and several fungal pathogens.
· The menthol found in spearmint oil acts as an antiseptic. This means it can be applied to wounds to clean them, prevent infection, and help them to heal faster. If the oil is ingested, it’s been shown to treat internal wounds including ulcers and infections in the digestive tract. In some cases, it has also been used to disinfect wounds and sores from STDs such as syphilis and gonorrhea.
· The menthol in spearmint oil has also been shown to help relax the nerves and muscles of the body. This can be particularly helpful for those who suffer from muscle spasms and cramps, especially those associated with menstrual pain.
· Besides helping with internal wounds such as ulcers, spearmint oil can also ease and relax the stomach and intestines. This will allow excessive gas to pass naturally so that you don’t feel bloated or pained.
· Spearmint oil has also been used to treat a myriad of other problems including headaches, irregular menstrual periods, colds and congestion. It has also been used to stimulate blood flow in the body and improve neural (brain) function.
How to Use Spearmint Oil—There are several ways you can use spearmint oil, often depending on what you want to use the oil to treat. The most common uses include:
· Topical Application—One of the easiest ways to use spearmint oil is as a topical solution. You can add a few drops to your skincare products or to massage oils. By rubbing into the skin, you can help ease muscle pains and even treat skin rashes and insect bites.
· Bath—Drops of spearmint oil can be added to your bath water to help with relaxation and pain relief.
· Ingestion and Inhalation—Spearmint oil can also be taken into the body, either orally or through inhalation. Just a couple of drops are all that are needed.
Spearmint oil is a relatively mild oil that has many of the benefits of peppermint without some of the more abrasive side effects. It can be used in a variety of ways to help treat physical conditions and ease the muscles.
by urbansqueeze | May 15, 2018 | Essential Oils, Holistic Health, Skincare
Essential Oils: Rose Touch and Its Benefits
It’s well known that roses have the ability to warm your spirits and brighten your day. Receiving a big bouquet of the beautiful flowers can be a loving and affectionate touch that will definitely help your mental and spiritual health. But what about improving your physical health?
In fact, those who are attuned to the healing properties of essential oils have found that Rose Touch oil can have significant benefits when it comes to your overall health and can put you into a better frame both physically and mentally.
What is Rose Touch?
Rose Touch is an essential oil that blends fractionated coconut oil with rose essential oil. Part of the process of creating rose touch is to harvest rose petals and then distill them to separate the oils. Usually these are used in perfumes because of their sweet aroma. But in this case, the oil is blended to create a product that can be used in different ways and for a variety of effects. It can be applied topically, particularly to pulse points or the neck and wrists. It can also be applied directly to the skin around blemishes to help treat these.
What are the benefits of using Rose Touch?
There are a variety of different benefits that are associated with Rose Touch.
- First and foremost, rose oil has been found to lift a person’s emotions in general. But this has also been found to help alleviate depression and anxiety as has been used as an all-natural antidepressant.
- Rose oil has also been found to help alleviate inflammation of the body, particularly in the joints as seen in those suffering from arthritis, rheumatism, and gout. It has also been found to lower inflammation of the digestive tract and can reduce fever.
- Rose oil has long been used for its qualities in skin care. The oil balances moisture levels in the skin and has been found to help acne, scars, and even stretch marks fade quicker. The oil has also been found to help skin wounds heal quicker because of its antiseptic qualities. It also acts as an astringent which can help not only tone the skin, but also help with blood flow and the firmness of muscles.
- Because roses have long been linked with romance, it should come as no surprise that it has aphrodisiacal qualities meant to increase the libido and promote desire.
- Finally, rose oil has been found to help with hormone regulation which can lead to an easing of menstrual cramps and pains.
These are just a selection of the benefits that come from using Rose Touch. It is an essential oil that can help bring a little romance to your life and a little physical and mental balance to your overall well-being.
by urbansqueeze | May 1, 2018 | Holistic Health, Massage
What Is Cupping and What Are Its Benefits?
There’s an old cliché, “Everything that is old is new again.” This can definitely be seen in the field of healthcare and treatment. As more and more medical advancements are being made, it is of interest that many healthcare workers are returning to older forms of therapy and treatment for their patients. One of these is “cupping therapy” which has become popular in the United States after having been used extensively in eastern countries such as China.
How does cupping work?
If your therapist decides to use cupping therapy with you, then he or she will use a series of cups that are usually made of glass but can also be earthenware or substances such as silicone. A substance such as paper is placed inside of the cup and set on fire to begin heating the cup up. As the fire goes out, the cup is then placed directly in contact with various points on the patient’s skin. As the heat subsides and the glass cools, a vacuum will form inside of the cup. This will cause the blood vessels in the skin to expand and the skin will be “sucked up” into the cup as the suction forms. The cup is left in place for about three minutes and then removed. If the cup is left in place too long or if the health professional does not properly place the cup, it can lead to bruising and skin problems. If the cup is heated too rapidly before being placed, it can also, in rare cases, lead to mild burns on the skin.
What are the benefits of cupping?
Cupping has been used to treat a variety of medical issues, including herpes, acne, facial paralysis, and cervical spondylosis. It has also been recommended as a treatment for migraine headaches and other stress-related ailments including high blood pressure, anxiety, and depression. In addition to these areas, the practice has been used to treat pain for diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia. Olympic gold medalist and swimmer Michael Phelps brought attention to the practice when he revealed that he used cupping therapy to help his sore muscles relax quicker so that he had less downtime during his intense training sessions. Other ailments that cupping therapy has been used to treat include eczema, asthma, allergies, varicose veins, and even infertility.
As Western medicine makes significant strides with different therapies and treatments, many doctors and naturopaths are turning to older, traditional treatments such as cupping. As more research is done in these fields, it is becoming more and more apparent about how this form of treatment can benefit a modern society.
by urbansqueeze | Apr 15, 2018 | Essential Oils, Holistic Health
What is Myrrh and How is it Helpful
Even though it has health benefits that are truly amazing, the chances are you probably have only heard about myrrh in relation to the story of Jesus’ birth as the third gift brought by one of the magi or wise men. Although it may not seem as precious as gold, it was highly valued. But what exactly is myrrh and why is it still so important for modern individuals trying to stay healthy?
What is Myrrh?
Myrrh is a substance that has previously been used as a spice and for its medicinal qualities. Like many similar substances from early historical eras, it was a resin produced by trees found in Northern Africa and the Middle East. The name actually derives from the Arabic word for “bitter” because of the acrid smell produced by the substance. Myrrh essential oils have been used to season food but also as medicines and even as an embalming agent and purifier for the dead.
What are the benefits of Myrrh?
First and foremost, myrrh has a powerful anti-inflammatory component that has allowed it to be used to treat joint paint and arthritis. It is probably because of this component that so many people use it as an ingredient in massage oils and for aromatherapy as a means of relaxing. It is also an antioxidant, which can prevent cell degeneration and can help combat diseases including diabetes and cancer. In fact, some studies have found that myrrh can inhibit the growth of different cancer cells, not curing the disease, but certainly curtailing it. In addition, the oil has been used to clear up skin irritations including acne and even ringworm as well as fungal infections such as athlete’s foot. Besides treating skin irritations, some people swear by myrrh’s ability to rejuvenate the skin and keep it looking young and vital.
How can Myrrh be used?
As with many essential oils, one of the easiest ways to benefit from myrrh is to use it with an oil diffuser. Inhalation of myrrh oil has been used in the past to treat lung and breathing ailments including bronchitis. Others will apply the substance directly to their skin with just a few drops or will add it to cold compresses so that it can be absorbed through the skin and also breathed in at the same time.
Myrrh is an ancient substance with many modern uses. As we learn more about medicine and health, it is becoming obvious that some of the old methods for treating ailments actually work more than we might think.