
Ways To Deal With Acne on Your Back

Back Acne Got You Down? Try A Facial. 

No one likes to talk about bacne, but it can be a real hardship. “Bacne,” or acne on your back, isn’t just something teenagers have to deal with. Many adults have problems with oily skin, clogged pores and pimples all over their body as well. Like your face, your back has numerous oil-secreting glands, and acne on this area of your body can be especially troublesome. An obvious problem is that it’s difficult to see, let alone reach, your own back. Often, someone with back acne may not even know it – and if they do, they don’t know what to do about it. 

There are several options to help prevent and treat back acne. 

Avoid oil-based skincare products. 

When shopping for moisturizers, sunscreen, and cosmetics, look for products that are labeled as water-based, or otherwise say that they don’t promote acne. In addition, products that are for sensitive skin, and are fragrance and dye free, could help avoid acne. 

Eliminate pressure on your back. 

Wearing anything too tight, or having constant pressure on your back can cause a buildup of heat and moisture, which eventually leads to acne. This is a problem especially for women, whose bras, sportswear, and even purse straps can put pressure on the skin all day long. Try to wear all-natural fabrics like cotton, since synthetics tend to trap moisture. 

Keep your back clean and free of dirt.

Take regular showers, especially after working out or being outside for an extended period of time. In addition, keep your hair clean (avoiding heavy products and conditioners), and don’t allow it to hang on your back for too long. 

Try an over the counter treatment. 

Anything you use on your face can also be used on your back. While chemical treatments can be too harsh for some people, there are plenty of effective all-natural remedies. Some common treatments include witch hazel, apple cider vinegar, green tea, and even fish oil supplements. 

Consider getting a back facial. 

A back facial helps combat issues such as clogged pores, oily skin, and acne, and employs many of the same techniques used in a traditional facial. Before beginning, the esthetician will talk to you about your skin and suggest a specific treatment tailored just to you. You will start out lying face down on a table as if you were getting a massage. A typical treatment will start out with a steaming to open pores, followed by a deep cleaning and exfoliation. Some spas include a shoulder or light back massage, and auxiliary treatments (such as a glycolic acid peel) are often available for an additional fee. 

Back acne can be unsightly and embarrassing, but with the proper preventative measures, most people should be able to easily treat it. If you are concerned about body acne, contact us today to book your 60-minute back facial (complete with relaxing massage!). 

Mental Health Benefits from Self-Care

Is stress part of your regular day? If you’re like 89% of Americans, it is. In 2017, there has been a decline in self-care and that has resulted in some alarming figures related to health. What if I told you that massage and facial therapies are quick and effective at helping you ease your stress?

Massage, alone, has been proven to increase sleep quality, improve stress-related health problems, reduce absenteeism from work, and decrease the likelihood of hospitalizations due to stress-related illnesses. Couple that with the decrease of stress-related headaches that facials provide, and you’ve got a winning combination for self-care that can’t be beaten.

Heat from a hot tub, sauna, or other treatment options can soothe aches and pains that come from work, joint pain, or other health conditions that leave you sore and stiff. Massages and facials can improve blood circulation and also enhance your immune system. They can also detoxify the body.

It’s nothing mysterious. Facials remove bacteria from the skin and built up waste. They can release stress tension in the face and neck which can help prevent migraines and other types of headaches. The right kind of touch can ease the mind and spirit while making your skin shine with natural health and beauty.

Massage therapy goes a bit deeper. It stimulates the body so that it can draw out metabolic waste, toxins, bacteria, and other waste buildups in the muscles. Have you noticed that sore muscles feel better after you rub them? Massage will break up those waste products that inflame the nerves around them, allowing them to flow from your body in a natural way.

The health benefits extend to mental health, as well. Massage can increase levels of serotonin and dopamine, the feel-good hormones. The power of touch is greater than we’ve ever imagined. Recent research concluded that chronic pain sufferers, those suffering from depression or stress-related health issues, and combat veterans suffering from PTSD have seen incredible improvements on their overall mental health and energy levels after finding a massage style that worked for them.

Our massages range from 30 minutes to a 120-minute deep relaxation therapy designed with your needs in mind. We have additional options, as well. The heated deep tissue bamboo massage does incredible deep-tissue work for improved circulation, sensory nerve perception, and lymphatic drainage. Our AromaTouch technique uses eight specific therapeutic grade essential oils applied with very specific motions to promote relaxation and balance in the simple nervous system. Thai Yoga massage is a bodywork massage that uses point pressure, yoga-like stretching and more to invigorate the body. Myofascial Release is essential for increasing range-of-motion and reducing pain in the myofascial connective tissues. Our chronic pain clients find the Neuromuscular Massage to be extremely effective in managing their pain. It’s also very effective for some post-surgical care situations and injuries to help improve recovery and prevent future injuries.

Make 2018 the year of self-care and add massages and/or facials to your regular health regiment. Your heart, mind, and body will thank you for it.

Protecting Your Face from the Elements

Winter can wreak havoc on your face, which is a bummer since it might be the only skin peeking out from all those cozy layers.  The lower temperatures, cold wind, and dry indoor air cause the water in our skin to evaporate more, and as a result we get itchy, dry, painfully cracked skin.  To protect your face from the elements, follow these tips and get ready to put your best face forward through anything the winter weather throws your way!

Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen.  Believe it or not, when winter hits, you still need sunscreen. Even though the weather is cold and gray, the sun can still damage your skin. The damage is even worse if you’re hitting the slopes.  Snow reflects up to 80% of the sun’s UV light, so the rays hit you twice when you’re out on a ski slope, further increasing the risk of skin cancer and premature ageing. The lower lip is a particularly neglected area and a common site for squamous-cell skin cancers. Apply a generous layer of SPF15 lip balm before heading out.

Use the right skincare products. If the cold weather is leaving your face feeling extra parched, swap the matte foundation and powder for a moisturizing formula, which will help soothe your skin without feeling greasy.  If you have really delicate or sensitive skin, watch out for products that contain sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS), which has been found to irritate skin and make it more permeable.  If you use a light, water-based lotion, switch to a more moisturizing cream or oil. WebMD suggests looking for “nonclogging” oil ingredients such as avocado, primrose, or almond oils. Or look for lotions with “humectants,” which attract moisture to your skin: glycerine, sorbital, and alpha-hydroxy acids.

Choose the right clothing.  Knit hats and earmuffs are nice, but a hood—especially one that’s insulated—will block the wind from the sides of your face. And don’t forget your scarf! It can be used to cover not just your neck, but also your nose and bottom portion of your face when it gets stormy.  Also, avoid scratchy clothing like wool, since it can disrupt the barrier on your skin that keeps in moisture.

Revise your indoor routines.  Staying hydrated is always important, including the winter when you want to save your skin. In addition to drinking lots of water, take warm rather than steamy showers or baths. Those extra hot showers feel good in the winter, but intense heat can break down the skin’s lipid barrier and your body will lose more moisture.  Turn on the humidifier, especially at night when your body is trying to repair itself.  Eat more healthy fats, like nuts, avocados, and fatty fish. Eskimos eat a diet very rich in seafood and healthy fats, which plays a part in their incredible skin.

Get a facial.  The winter is a great time to try out a facial treatment.  A facial works to counteract these effects in a couple of ways.  Improving circulation to our face to stimulate our own skin’s natural renewal is one of the best benefits to a facial in the winter.  A facial includes cleansing which helps unblock your pores and promotes healing and restoration. Our daily cleansing regime might be adequate for makeup and grime removal but for skin that is truly clean, a facial gives an unsurpassed result.  Finally, a facial helps us to relax and forget the winter blues.


What are Chemical Peels and How are They Helpful

A chemical peel sounds like a scary process performed by a super villain.  In reality, it’s actually not scary at all!  A chemical peel is a beauty treatment that uses a chemical solution to remove the outer layers of skin on the face to reveal smooth new skin without lines or wrinkles.  

Your skin has three layers. The outer coating is the epidermis. Its main purpose is to serve as waterproofing for your skin. On your face, this skin layer is very thin. The second layer, called the dermis, is thicker. The connective tissue and collagen that gives skin its strength is located in the dermis. The third and deepest layer of skin, known as the subcutaneous layer, contains fatty tissue, muscles and blood vessels.

Mild chemical peels include salicylic acid peels or glycolic peels. These are the kind of chemical peels done at a salon or spa, and sometimes in a dermatologist’s office. They typically take off the epidermis, and results are not as long lasting. Side effects are usually skin reddening and some skin peeling.  Chemical peels are used to treat a number of conditions including:

  • Pigmentation on face or body
  • Fine wrinkles
  • Acne marks and scars
  • Skin dullness
  • Aging skin
  • Crow’s feet
  • Sagging skin

With any peel, it’s important to know what results you can achieve so your expectations are realistic. Chemical peels in any form cannot remove or reduce the appearance of blood vessels on the skin. They cannot change the appearance of enlarged pores and they don’t have an effect on raised scarring. Chemical peels don’t act as a face-lift, and they have limited benefit for improving skin discoloration for those with darker skin color. They can make skin smoother, help fade brown spots and an uneven skin tone from sun damage, and generally make the skin’s surface look fresher and younger.

There are three basic types of chemical peels:

  • Superficial Peel: Alpha-hydroxy acid or another mild acid is used to penetrate only the outer layer of skin to gently exfoliate it. The treatment is used to improve the appearance of mild skin discoloration and rough skin as well as to refresh the face, neck, chest or hands.
  • Medium Peel: Glycolic acid is applied to penetrate the outer and middle layers of skin to remove damaged skin cells. The treatment is used to improve age spots, fine lines and wrinkles, freckles and moderate skin discoloration.
  • Deep Peel: Phenol acid is applied to deeply penetrate the middle layer of skin to remove damaged skin cells. The treatment removes moderate lines, age spots, freckles and shallow scars.

It’s completely expected to have many questions about these types of treatments. The best way to ensure you are receiving the best treatment for your skin is to do your homework. Go to a reputable place that can answer all of your questions and educate you thoroughly on the procedure that you are receiving.

Dealing with Oily Skin? Here is How Facials Can Help

Dealing with Oily Skin? Here is How Facials Can Help

Oils produced by the body help keep skin healthy, but the natural oil production can also be too much of a good thing. Excess oil can lead to blemishes and acne flare-ups.  There are a number of causes for oily skin, but most are due to poor diet or a genetic predisposition.  Clear complexion strategies range from over-the-counter cleansers to prescription lotions and cosmetic treatments.  

Dermatologists agree that the most effective way to manage oily skin is to cleanse your face both morning and night using a gentle cleanser.  Another way to get that beautiful glowing skin is by treating yourself to a facial on a regular basis.  A good facial treatment cleanses your skin very deeply, diminishes the pore sizes, prevents breakouts, relaxes, increase the blood flow which helps in prevent premature aging and also brings a radiant glow to your facial skin.  According to data collected by the International Spa Association, facials are the third most popular spa treatment, right behind massages and manicures or pedicures.

Getting a full-treatment facial often means stepping into a new world of pampering and relaxation. First, you need to choose the right facial for you based on its purpose, type and price. A pre-facial consultation will allow the esthetician (skin care therapist) to determine your skin type (dry, oily, or combination) which is important when deciding which products to use and procedures to include. The consultation also would give you a chance to warn the consultant about any products you might be allergic to.

During your consultation, don’t be afraid to ask questions. Good estheticians will have no problem explaining what they plan to do and discussing the products they will use. Before the facial begins, make it clear what procedures or products you’d rather not use.  There might be a line of skin products that has made your skin break out in the past. It’s your facial and your money, so you should get what you want. Let your esthetician know what makes you comfortable or uncomfortable. Facials are meant to relax you, not to stress you out.

Facials are believed by many to fix these common skin problems. Exfoliation, with astringents, masks or peels, can reach deep into the skin’s upper layer to strip away dead skin cells and reveal newer cells underneath.  Your skin may appear blotchy or irritated after your first facial – don’t freak out!  This is likely the residual dirt working its way to the surface and out of your pores.  Everyone’s skin is a little different, so it’s important to pay attention to how your skin feels and talk to your esthetician about what works for you.

Of course, a facial isn’t a magic cure, and you have to be willing to take proper care of yourself to look and feel healthy. Even the world’s greatest facial won’t do much good if you chow down each day on greasy foods and consider channel surfing the ultimate in daily exercise.  Your skin is your largest organ and the skin on your face is often the most noticeable.  Take care of the issues caused by oily skin by getting regular facials to not only feel relaxed and pampered, but also as a way of making your skin healthier.

How to Make the Most of Your Massage or Facial Session

A massage or facial session allows us a break from the stress of our everyday life and you will leave feeling relaxed, refreshed, and peaceful.  But did you know there are things you can do before, during, and after the massage to get the maximum benefit from the massage session?

There are a few things that you can do before a massage or facial that will allow your body to fully relax and make the experience even more relaxing.  

  • Have a shower before leaving for the massage.  This will make you feel fresh and your body is more receptive to the oils used during the massage.
  • Do some light stretches or light warm up exercise.  The activity will warm up your body and increase your metabolism, which will in turn make your muscles more flexible and allow your massage therapist to do deeper work if needed.
  • Avoid having caffeine on the day of the massage.  Caffeine can affect the body in a way that is counterproductive to massage – it can make some people nervous and jumpy and actually cause the contraction of muscles.
  • Drink lots of water on the day of the massage. Water will keep you hydrated, help flush your system of toxins, and may help mitigate soreness.

Receiving a massage may seem like a passive activity, but there are things you can do during this time to ensure a great experience.  Keep these tips in mind to not only be a good massage recipient but to also get the most out of your massage session.

  • Communication is key.  Just as an informed doctor has a better chance of helping you heal, an enlightened therapist can target trouble zones and generate solutions. Use the brief conversation with your therapist at the beginning of each session to create your own hybrid experience. The greater the insights into your individual history, the more tailored your treatment will be.
  • If something is not to your liking, let your therapist know. The therapist will check with you several times during the massage to verify the pressure feels just right. But, if at any time you would like more vigorous action or less intense effort, don’t be afraid to speak up. Because everyone has a different tolerance to touch, therapists depend on their client’s instructions and reactions to determine the depth of pressure to apply.
  • Cold muscles are tense muscles. Since body temperature can fluctuate throughout the massage, don’t hesitate to say something if you need more or less coverage. Tell the therapist if the room needs to be warmer.
  • Stop thinking, start being.  When you’re getting a massage, don’t think about what you should have done or plan to do. A massage is time to be here now.
  • Keep breathing.  While receiving a massage, focus your mind as fully as possible on your breathing to bring your awareness back to your body.

Just as it is important to prepare for your massage it is just as important to follow a few easy tips once the massage is complete.  The benefits from a massage may not last as long unless you follow these tips.

  • Drink water.  One bit of advice you’ll hear over and over again is to drink plenty of water after a massage. A massage releases toxins, such as lactic acid and carbonic acid, which need to be flushed from the body. Post massage hydration helps to eliminate released impurities.
  • Do some stretches. Stretching between massages to maintain joint mobility, prevent muscles from tightening up again, and keeping the life energy flowing is a great way to extend the benefits received from a massage. This may mean doing yoga or whatever specific or full-body stretches suggested by your massage therapist.
  • Adjust your diet.  Since you’ve just rid the body of toxins, support the body’s renewed state by adhering to a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables, which will continue the detoxification process. Keep away from caffeinated drinks and enjoy the calm brought by a good massage.

The benefits of massage are many, including: increasing circulation, allowing the body to pump more oxygen and nutrients throughout the body; stimulating lymph flow and boosting immunity; and relaxing overused or tight muscles.  However good all of these benefits sound, if you aren’t doing a few simple things before, during, and after your massage then you aren’t getting the most from the time spent on the massage table.