
The Importance of Myofascial Release Massage

With the use of gentle, sustained pressure, a myofascial release massage can help eliminate pain and restore motion in soft tissue by focusing on the tough membranes that wrap, connect, and support your muscles. These tough membranes are also known as myofascial tissues. Inflammatory response, trauma, and/or surgical procedures can create restrictions in the soft tissues that can cause pain, muscle tension, and diminished blood flow. These results will rarely show up in traditional, standard tests like x-rays, electromyography, or CAT scans.

Pain causes a protection response from the body. The muscles around that pain point will contract to provide support and protect the surrounding tissues. Over time, this can lead to more restrictions, especially when you talk about something like chronic pain. If these pain points aren’t managed, more pain can result as blood flow becomes restricted to the contracted area. Imagine that myofascial release is a way to smooth out these hard knots of stiffness and pain.

During a myofascial release massage, the massage therapist locates areas that feel stiff and fixed instead of movable and elastic. They do this through light, manual pressure. These areas may not be close to the pain. Think about the chronic pain cycle mentioned above. The knots and restrictions can create compounded pain that travels elsewhere. Your body is one system that works together to protect itself.

With focused manual pressure and tissue stretching, the muscles loosen up. This can move indirectly to reducing overall muscle pain. The therapist moves from trigger point to trigger point until the tension is fully released.

Myofascial release isn’t for everyone. If you take blood-thinning medications, have deep vein thrombosis or other deep vein issues, or have weak, fragile or broken bones, myofascial release shouldn’t be attempted without consulting your doctor.

A massage therapist should listen as you explain your areas of concern, pay attention to your needs, and work with you to unravel the knots of pain in your body. Whether it’s neck, back, knee, or elbow pain, myofascial release may be just what you need.

If you’re looking for that extra mile in fine massage, we offer some incredible options. Our myofascial release therapy may be just what you need to fight back against pain. Our Summer 6 Pack is still going on! Buy six massages at a great discount and enjoy your amazing summer.

Dealing with TMJ and Jaw Tenseness

Dealing with TMJ and Jaw Tenseness

According to The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, TMJ affects an estimated 10 million Americans every year with some research stating that 75% will experience it at some point in their lives. TMJ, or Temporomandibular joint disorder or dysfunction, can be very painful for anyone dealing with this issue.

This disorder is often caused by the clenching or grinding of teeth which then tightens and sometimes even locks up the muscles connecting the lower jaw bone to the skull. It can also be caused by an injury to the neck or head like whiplash, arthritis, or even stress. Symptoms of this disorder include pain or tenderness in your face, neck, or jaw muscles. This can cause it to be difficult to open your mouth wide, speak, or eat. You may also experience a clicking or popping sound in your ear while you chew or a feeling of your jaw getting “stuck” while opening. These symptoms can make it difficult to accomplish daily tasks and impact your quality of life.

There are many invasive forms of treatment available to treat TMJ like surgery, dental work, splints, and strong pain medications. However, we prefer the more natural hands on approach before opting for these other forms of treatments. Massage therapy has been used for hundreds of years to relieve muscle pain in the body, and your temporomandibular muscles are not excluded. These are the muscles that connect your jaw bone to your skull and affect the surrounding muscles in your head and neck as well. If one set of muscles is injured or tense, it will be felt in its neighboring muscles as well.

Through massage therapy, we are able to gently work on all of those muscles and help relieve the tension tightening them up. One of the methods of massage that is available for TMJ is called intraoral massage. This is where a massage therapist who specializes in TMJ will massage the inside muscles of your mouth and directly address the muscles in the affected joint. Naturally, your therapist will always wear gloves while performing this therapy. Most patients experience no additional pain during the session and often report a relaxing in their face and neck and pain relief. The pain relief can be a result of both the calming of the tightened muscles as well as the release of endorphins that we are all fond of.

After your massage session you will need to try to not increase the possibility of your TMJ symptoms returning. Try to keep your stress low, concentrate on relaxing your jaw muscles, and avoid foods that are hard or tough to chew, even wearing a mouth guard during sleep will help. If your symptoms do return despite your best efforts, there are home remedies available for you to use in between massage sessions.

At the Wellness Collective, all of our facials include facial massage, and so whether you are getting a full-body massage, or a facial treatment, we can help you soothe your tight jaw muscles!

Sometimes TMJ can only be treated through the more extreme methods of treatment, but it is nice to know that there are other options to explore first. Be sure to always talk with your doctor first and work towards finding the best treatment plan for you.

Top Essential Oils for Acne

Top Essential Oils for Acne

No one likes acne. It is an obnoxious side effect of our adolescence that sometimes follows us into our adulthood. Over $3 billion a year is spent on acne products and treatments in the US alone. Many of these products contain harmful chemicals and while they may take care of your acne they can also cause damage to your body over time. You do not have to take risks to be acne free. In recent years, more people are recognizing and actively using essential oils to battle acne. We have created a list of the top essential oils for acne and skin care that can be a safe natural alternative to the products that you might currently have in your cabinet.

1. Lavender Oil

Lavender is known for its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. These properties help your skin fight and calm breakouts. Try mixing a few drops of lavender into almond or jojoba oil and apply as a moisturizer 1-2 times a day.

2. Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree is a natural anti-fungal and antibacterial that can reduce inflammation and swelling from infected and clogged pores that cause pimples. You can use Tea Tree as a toner to fight blemishes by applying with a cotton ball or Q-tip directly to the infected area. If you have sensitive skin, mix with a carrier oil before applying. This oil can dry your skin, so be sure to use moisturizer afterwards.

3. Frankincense Oil

Frankincense is nicknamed “The King of Oils” and for great reasons! Frankincense is an anti-inflammatory, astringent, and disinfectant. It is known for its healing properties and helps heal damaged skin, acne scars, and wrinkles. It is also known to help with stretch marks, eczema and wound healing. Mix a few drops to a carrier oil and apply directly to the area of concern. Not only does Frankincense offer incredible benefits to your skin, but is also great for digestion, immunity, inflammation, pain, and many other body needs and functions.

4. Chamomile Oil

Like Frankincense, Chamomile has a large amount of beneficial health properties, far too many to list. However, specifically to skin it is an antiseptic, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and bactericidal. Chamomile calms and reduces redness and lightens dark spots left from acne. Add a few drops into your cleansing regimen to see some of these benefits for yourself!

5. Cypress Oil

Cypress is an astringent and antiseptic. It can help tighten, tone, minimize pores, and reduce oil in oily skin. Add a few drops into an ounce of rose water and apply directly to your skin. You can also mix with jojoba oil or another carrier oil to help diminish bruises, cellulite, and spider veins.

6. Rosemary Oil

Rosemary also reduces excess oil in your skin just like Cypress. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce redness caused by acne infections. Mix Rosemary into your moisturizer or with a carrier oil for a natural acne fighting skin hydrator.

7. Geranium Oil

Geranium is also rich in antibacterial and antioxidant properties. It helps combat acne and is a great anti-aging solution. Mix two drops into coconut oil or another carrier oil and apply twice a day for desired results.

Why Dads Need Facials

It’s not unusual anymore to see a man in the seat next to you at the nail salon getting a pedicure. These days men seem to be taking a tip from women and carving out time in their busy schedules to spruce up. With the kiddos running around and stepping up to help out the wife, it is these 6 reasons why dads everywhere should get a facial.

Men produce more oil

According to dermatologists, men produce higher levels of oils than women because they have more testosterone. Dad’s oily skin makes him more likely to get blackheads and acne breakouts. Estheticians recommend men get facials to deep clean the pores, riding it of the oil and dirt build up. A  monthly facial will help dad’s skin stay hydrated, moisturized, and less shiny. If dad has a beard they will need a deep cleansing beneath it to prevent oil from building up as well.

You’ll get a smoother shave

A common consequence of shaving is that it can cause inflammation, skin irritation, and possibly even ingrown hair. If you shave every day or every few weeks, your skin will greatly benefit from a nice facial. The masks and moisturizers that an esthetician uses during a facial exfoliate the skin addressing the issues in which shaving can cause. Plus it keeps your skin smooth, something that your spouse will appreciate!

Replenishes your skin

Between shaving and the sun’s rays, a man’s skin is more easily dehydrated. Unfortunately, all this causes the skin to lose its elasticity. Without proper moisturization, your skin becomes wrinkled which, ages you significantly. Dad, if you want to stay looking young longer, a facial is the best way to rehydrate your skin slowing down the aging process.   

Promotes relaxation

Dads have a lot going on in their lives. On top of working, they also need to run the kids around town and help mom fix things whenever they go wrong. All this can take a toll on both the body and mind. Take a deep breath and take that step into the spa for an hour of “dad time.” A face massage can melt away any thoughts,  you’ll leave more relaxed, and ready to take on any responsibility life may throw at you.

Learn from the pros

Keeping your skin healthy doesn’t stop at getting a facial every now and again. Making time to get to the spa gives you an opportunity to speak with an experienced esthetician about how to maintain your skin. They can recommend products to use daily and different techniques on how to apply them. The knowledge you’ll gain from each facial keeps you in the know, versus guessing on how to keep your skin healthy.

Real men get facials

You don’t know what it is like until you give it a shot! Dad, if you’re still hesitant about the idea, bring along that special woman in your life who knows all too well what a facial is like. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at the tingly sensation of fresh, clean, and glowing skin.  

Men and Facials: why it’s important for men to get facials

There was once a time when men’s health and beauty practices were seen as unnecessary and possibly a little too feminine. Pedicures, manicures, massages, and facials were once frowned upon amongst the male community. However, these types of practices are not just for the vain and pampered. There is lengthy list of health benefits and men all over the world are beginning to implement these practices into their routine self-care regimens.

If getting a mani/pedi is pushing it a bit too far for you, let’s start with something a little more docile, a facial. A facial is just one step further than a massage, so if you have already experienced the power of a great massage, this concept should be easier to get on board with.

Here are just a few reasons you too should consider getting an occasional facial.

1. A Smoother Shave

The skin on your face is exposed to the negative effects from our environment far more than any other skin on your body. External pollutants in combination with daily shaving and lack of a good skin care regimen creates damaged skin, and some men even experience razor burn. Shaving over irritated and damaged skin can create acne like symptoms which leave you with a rough and painful shave every time. The masks, scrubs, and moisturizers that an esthetician typically uses help smooth your skin and allow your razor to glide smoothly over your face.

2. Men produce more oil

Due to the higher testosterone levels in men versus women, men generally produce more oil. Increased oil production can lead to blemishes if not cleaned regularly. You might choose to pop those pimples on your own at home, however doing so can cause damage and noticeable inflammation to your skin. Probably not the look you’re going for! A licensed esthetician will be able to extract pimples and clear your pores safely with precision instruments and expert knowledge of the skin. They will then follow-up the extraction with products that will be safe and helpful in healing any damage and minimizing the appearance of your pores. This leaves your skin looking clearer and smoother.

3. Aging gracefully

Moisturizing! So many men do not even think about moisturizing their skin, let alone their face. However, one of the biggest factors in premature aging is a lack of hydration in your skin. Dry skin loses its elasticity and is unable to repair itself properly. Facials provide deep hydration that replenishes your skin and promotes rejuvenation. Daily moisturizing in between facials will help prolong the effects of your facial and slow down the aging process.

4. Relaxation

Men work extremely hard day in and day out. You deserve a little relaxation and “me” time. Facials include a facial massage which are just as, if not more relaxing, than a massages which are known for reducing stress and resetting your focus. This helps you to be more productive and successful in your day to day.

If you’re still having a hard time accepting that it is okay for men to get facials, look to the experts at GQ and Men’s Health to see their take on this subject. In an article written by GQ journalist Tony Parson titled “Real Men Get Facials”, Tony shares his own personal experience of getting his very first facial. Parson’s states, “I have been to the mountain, and I have had a facial – and I see at last what I have been missing out on for years”.  Also according to a statement in Men’s Health’s blog “3 Good Reasons to get a Facial”, Samantha Inzalaco states, “In fact, probably more than the ladies, guys need facials, thanks to their coarser skin, larger pores, and increased chance of sun damage.”

Do yourself a favor, and schedule a facial today!

Tackling Eczema With Essential Oils

Eczema is a common and irritating condition that many people suffer from. It is estimated that 31.6 million Americans deal with eczema, and at least 17.8 million suffer from moderate to severe eczema or atopic dermatitis according to the National Eczema Association. Eczema is defined as patches of dry and inflamed skin that can blister or bleed. It is often caused by allergies or environmental factors. It is also believed to have genetic traits and can be passed down through families.

With eczema being so common there are many pharmaceutical medications and steroids that can help relieve the symptoms and limit flare ups. However, many people are dissatisfied with these products and do not always see results. In severe cases, steroids are required and may thin your skin if use is prolonged. If you suffer from eczema and are searching for a more natural form of treatment, essential oils may be your best alternative.

Here are a few essential oils that have been known to relieve symptoms of eczema and other common skin conditions due to their anti-inflammatory properties.


Thyme contains a compound called carvacrol that is a strong disinfectant. It is also known to reduce swelling and pain. Thyme can be used in aromatherapy and in topical applications. It can also be ingested. Before applying topically, dilute with coconut oil.


Clove is made up of 80-95% eugenol. This compound is often used by dentists for anti-inflammatory purposes during dental procedures. Additionally it is used as an antiseptic. Clove can be used aromatically, topically, and internally. It should also be diluted with coconut oil in topical applications.

Tea Tree

Tea Tree oil, also known as Melaleuca, has been known to have incredible results in treating eczema and other skin ailments. It’s anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties are great in treating inflammation from eczema, acne, sores, and itchiness. It is also used for treating cold symptoms and infections. Use Tea Tree aromatically, topically, and internally. No need for dilution!


Lavender is not just soothing and great at promoting sleep and relaxation; it is also known to help relieve inflammation. Soothe your eczema with lavender and breathe in its calming aroma to relieve stress as well. Lavender can be used aromatically and also be applied topically and internally with no need for dilution.

These are just a few of the essential oils that can ease your symptoms and provide relief. There are also other ways to treat and prevent eczema that can be considered, as well. Common causes of eczema and eczema flare ups are chemical irritants, allergens, micro-organisms, drastic temperature changes, food allergies, and wool or synthetic clothing material. Be aware when you come into contact with these potentially eczema causing factors so that you can pinpoint the possible antagonist of your condition.

Stress and anxiety is also known to cause flare ups of eczema by putting additional stress on your Endocrine System which regulates your hormones. If you notice your eczema flares up during particularly stressful seasons of your life, this could be your culprit. Also, natural hormonal shifts in the body can be the cause, like menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. If you think you may be experiencing an unexplained hormone imbalance check out these common warning signs and speak to your doctor about treatment.

Eczema has such a wide variety of triggers and methods of treatment. Be sure to speak to your general practitioner or dermatologist if you are suffering from this condition to properly determine the best method of treatment for you.