by UrbanSqueezeWeb | Sep 2, 2017 | Skincare
Whether it’s UV damage, weather exposure, lack of daily skin care, or any other reason, dry facial skin can take the joy out of your day. It can be uncomfortable or embarrassing, but there are great options available to fight back. Facials are one of the best ways to deal with the effects by stimulating and rejuvenating your skin. A facial can give your skin that extra moisturizing push it needs to get back to its regular self-cleansing, self-healing, and self-regenerating cycle. Your aesthetician can select the combination of exfoliation, moisturization, and massage techniques unique to your skin type.
So what, exactly, is involved in a rehydrating facial?
Cleaning and exfoliating
Exfoliating removes dead skin and softens resistive tissue and hair follicles. Which eliminates dirt, toxins, and other cellular debris clogging up your pores. A hydrating cleanser is then used to help jump start your skin’s moisturizing capability. These gentle cleansers should be selected based upon your skin type with a focus on current sensitivities.
Nutrient rich masks are necessary to invigorate your dehydrated skin. They work to lift your skin to a new level, repairing damage and soothing the post-exfoliation process. There are many types of masks, from heated to cold creams. We offer some unique options as well. Age defying facials will incorporate age defying products and massage to lift and plump the skin while an acne facial can reduce inflammation, redness, and pimples. A particular favorite is the heated bamboo facial massage which utilizes heated bamboo implements that glide smoothly over the face to deliver a luxurious sense of relaxation.
Massage is a wonderful way to stimulate healing in the mind and body. Its effects have been proven time and again. By using focused facial massages to target dry areas, your skin can absorb the rich oils and other moisturizing treatments available while gaining the added benefit of de-stressing.
This three-part combination creates a relaxing and rejuvenating experience that transcends your normal daily skin care routine. There are other things you can do to help maintain that glow between facials.
Make sure you use a sunscreen to protect your skin, even on cloudy days. Use moisturizers and cleansing products that are right for your skin type. Limit your exposure to the elements where you can. Your face is the first thing the world sees. Give it the love and care it deserves. Get a facial today and you’ll see immediate results.
by UrbanSqueezeWeb | Jul 7, 2017 | Skincare
What if I told you that you could get your skin softly buffed and polished to a youthful gleam? Microdermabrasion makes that possible.
Microdermabrasion is the ultimate exfoliation method. This process removes the outermost epidermal layers of skin, and evens the layers. This type of skin resurfacing speeds up skin renewal, and is used to treat acne, wrinkles, sun damage, stretch marks, scarring and much more.
It’s a noninvasive (non-surgical) procedure that uses tiny crystals or a tiny diamonds to exfoliate your skin, we use the Dermaglide system which utilizes sodium bicarbonate crystals. The procedure is any where from 30- 60 minutes in length, and you can return to life and work immediately.
Microdermabrasion does so many wonderful things. It:
- Improves age spot areas and blackheads
- Improves hyperpigmentation (patches of dark skin)
- Exfoliates your skin, leaving it refreshed in appearance
- Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
- Treats acne and any scars caused by acne
- Brightens a dull complexion
- Evens skin tone and texture
- Reduces/eliminates enlarged pores
- Thicken your collagen, which results in a younger looking complexion
Microdermabrasion may leave the skin slightly red for a few hours, yet we use a post-treatment calming and hydrating mask, moisturizer and sunscreen that will help soothe the skin. The calming mask will infuse your skin with hydration making your skin more supple and plump. Your skin will be more sensitive to sun exposure, so use SPF 30 sunscreen every day we recommend Hale and Hush’s Broad Spectrum Natural SPF 30 . This is a key aspect to great skin health, as well! Rare discomfort may occur, but it usually feels like windburn or slight sunburn for a day or two post treatment.
Microdermabrasion offers a surface-level treatment without the expensive price tag of a single layer chemical peel. Since it’s only the top layer of skin, most people can get them as often as every seven to ten days. A monthly regimen of facials and microdermabrasion can rejuvenate and revitalize your skin. The results are incredible.
According to the American Academy of Dermatology, you shouldn’t have microdermabrasion if your skin scars easily or if you’ve taken isotretinoin, a medication prescribed to treat severe acne. Don’t have a microdermabrasion if you are in the midst of a cold sore breakout, as that can spread the cold sore to normally unaffected areas. Another thing to note is that the propulsion from microdermabrasion can act as a trigger for a cold sore outbreak if you already have the virus. Tell your therapist so that they can be more cautious around the lips during your microdermabrasion treatment.
Schedule your microdermabrasion now. We currently have a 50% off special to anyone receiving their first treatment with us.
by urbansqueeze | Jun 15, 2017 | Skincare

Skin Care
Our skin is the largest organ in our bodies and taking care of it properly is vital to our overall health. However, it can be easy to be overwhelmed by the abundance of skin care advice available to us. How can we make skin care a bit simpler without all of the expensive anti-aging and acne fighting products constantly being thrown at us? Well we understand this frustration all too well and hope to help simplify skin care for you.
Here is our list of five simple things you can do to care for your skin!
1. Drink lots of water
Our bodies are made up of about 70% water. Water is essential for all organs and maintaining their proper functions. It is also vital for healthy cell reproduction and growth. With our skin being the largest organ in our body, overlooking its need for water can have a large impact on the health of your skin and its overall appearance. If your skin becomes dehydrated, it will begin to look dull, dry, and cracked. It is recommended that you drink 8 eight-ounce glasses of water each day or ½ ounce – 1 ounce of water per each pound that you weigh.
2. Healthy Diet
Watching what you eat is not exclusive to the number on the scale. While it is true that if you indulge in unhealthy food that your waistline will grow, but it is also true for your skin. Research has shown that an excess amount of caffeine and sugar in your body will cause inflammation and prevent your body’s systems from functioning appropriately. Avoiding foods high in fat, sugar, and caffeine will help keep your skin beautiful and even help those pesky numbers on the scale.
3. Avoid Smoking
If you are a smoker, I’m sure you have heard this a thousand and one times. Quitting can be extremely difficult and feel impossible at times. However, continuing to smoke will not only affect your lungs, but also allow harmful chemicals to build up in your bloodstream causing strain on every aspect of your body. In regards to your skin, you will notice pre-mature aging, dullness, and uneven skin tones. Quitting can be hard, but once that chapter of your life is closed you will begin to feel healthier and be able to take back your life. If you want to learn more about ways to stop smoking for good, click here.
4. Sun Protection
With summer on the approach, you might be planning lots of outdoor activities and maybe even a sunny vacation somewhere tropical. Tan skin might be aesthetically pleasing; however soaking in those rays of sunshine can be harmful if your skin is not properly protected. UVB and UVA rays are damaging to your skin and can lead to age spots, pre-mature aging, and even cancer. Whenever you go outside, even on a cloudy day, apply sunscreen to all exposed skin. SPF 30 or higher is recommended for prolonged sun exposure whereas SPF 15 could be sufficient for everyday use. Many moisturizers include sun protection in them already and is preferred by many dermatologists. For additional protection wear hats, sunglasses, or clothing coverings.
5. Keep Your Stress Levels Low
Stress can be extremely hard on your body and your skin. When your body is in stress mode, it triggers a release of cortisol and other hormones into your system. These substances cause your sebaceous glands to secrete oil, clogging your pores and causing acne. Not only can it cause you to break out, but can also cause hives or exasperate existing issues such as eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea. Sometimes there are things that we cannot prevent in life; however finding ways to deal with stress in a healthy way is vital in your overall health. Go for a run, paint, read, or book a massage and allow your mind and your body to relax in between the moments of chaos.
Use these five simple practices to find a healthier you and love the skin you are in!
by urbansqueeze | Jun 15, 2017 | Essential Oils, Facials, Holistic Health, Skincare
No one likes acne. It is an obnoxious side effect of our adolescence that sometimes follows us into our adulthood. Over $3 billion a year is spent on acne products and treatments in the US alone. Many of these products contain harmful chemicals and while they may take care of your acne they can also cause damage to your body over time. You do not have to take risks to be acne free. In recent years, more people are recognizing and actively using essential oils to battle acne. We have created a list of the top essential oils for acne and skin care that can be a safe natural alternative to the products that you might currently have in your cabinet.
1. Lavender Oil
Lavender is known for its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. These properties help your skin fight and calm breakouts. Try mixing a few drops of lavender into almond or jojoba oil and apply as a moisturizer 1-2 times a day.
2. Tea Tree Oil
Tea Tree is a natural anti-fungal and antibacterial that can reduce inflammation and swelling from infected and clogged pores that cause pimples. You can use Tea Tree as a toner to fight blemishes by applying with a cotton ball or Q-tip directly to the infected area. If you have sensitive skin, mix with a carrier oil before applying. This oil can dry your skin, so be sure to use moisturizer afterwards.
3. Frankincense Oil
Frankincense is nicknamed “The King of Oils” and for great reasons! Frankincense is an anti-inflammatory, astringent, and disinfectant. It is known for its healing properties and helps heal damaged skin, acne scars, and wrinkles. It is also known to help with stretch marks, eczema and wound healing. Mix a few drops to a carrier oil and apply directly to the area of concern. Not only does Frankincense offer incredible benefits to your skin, but is also great for digestion, immunity, inflammation, pain, and many other body needs and functions.
4. Chamomile Oil
Like Frankincense, Chamomile has a large amount of beneficial health properties, far too many to list. However, specifically to skin it is an antiseptic, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and bactericidal. Chamomile calms and reduces redness and lightens dark spots left from acne. Add a few drops into your cleansing regimen to see some of these benefits for yourself!
5. Cypress Oil
Cypress is an astringent and antiseptic. It can help tighten, tone, minimize pores, and reduce oil in oily skin. Add a few drops into an ounce of rose water and apply directly to your skin. You can also mix with jojoba oil or another carrier oil to help diminish bruises, cellulite, and spider veins.
6. Rosemary Oil
Rosemary also reduces excess oil in your skin just like Cypress. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce redness caused by acne infections. Mix Rosemary into your moisturizer or with a carrier oil for a natural acne fighting skin hydrator.
7. Geranium Oil
Geranium is also rich in antibacterial and antioxidant properties. It helps combat acne and is a great anti-aging solution. Mix two drops into coconut oil or another carrier oil and apply twice a day for desired results.
by urbansqueeze | Apr 20, 2017 | Holistic Health, Skincare
Our winters here in Colorado have been unseasonably warm. Some people think this might be an indication that there will be a harsh summer. With the intense sun and high temperatures, your skin takes the brunt of the elements and needs extra love and care. It is so incredibly important to protect and nourish your skin year round, but especially during the summer to combat sun damage, premature aging, and even skin cancer.
Sunscreen comes in a variety of forms these days. From lotions and sprays to gels and ointments, there is no shortage of options, which might make choosing the right product difficult. It is important to use a skin protectant with a high SPF rating, but also one that works for you. The more you enjoy a product, the more often you will actually apply it, increasing your amount of continual protection.
Other qualities that your sunscreen should have are water resistance and broad spectrum. Water resistance helps prevent the sunscreen from being washed off by water or sweat. Broad spectrum protects against UVB and UVA light. If this is not listed on the product container, that particular protection may only protect against UVB light. Be sure to reapply your sunscreen every two hours or sooner if needed. It is also important to note that just because you are not in direct sunlight that does not mean that you will not obtain sun damage. UV rays still penetrate through clouds, fog, and mist, so be sure apply sunscreen anytime you know you will be outside for a period of time.
Sunglasses and Lip Balm
Your eyes and lips are particularly sensitive to sunlight exposure. Just like the rest of your skin, these areas can also burn. You may not be a big fan of the large sunglasses trend, however this style choice has its benefits. According to Neil Hodur, OD, and professor of optometry at the Illinois College of Optometry “The more of the eye you can cover, the less the intensity of light to reach the back part of the eye.” Prolonged exposure to sunlight has been linked to cataracts, macular degeneration, and other eye problems. When looking for your next pair of sunglasses, look for ones with UV 400 protection and with either a brown or gray tint for optimal eye protection.
Your lips are also easily damaged by sunlight. Your lips and ears are particularly prone to skin cancer due to their sensitive skin and common exposure. When choosing a lip balm, look for one with at least a 15 SPF rating (30 SPF if you are prone to skin cancer) and apply every two hours while outside. If you wear lipstick, try darker shades since these darker colors help absorb UV rays.
Moisturizing your skin is important year round. It prevents premature aging and keeps your skin healthy and intact. Dry and cracked skin can cause sores and cuts that allow bacteria into your body and increases your risk for infection. However, the same lotion that you use in the winter may not be the same you use in summertime. The thick, greasy lotions you may use during the winter months will not be comfortable in the heat of summer. Opt instead for a lighter lotion with its main ingredients being lactic or glycolic acid. If the first few ingredients on the label contain lanolin, glycerin, or petrolatum they will be on the greasier side. Also, since during the summer you sweat more than any other time of the year, more oil is secreted from your pores. This increased oil production and a greasy lotion can cause your skin to become more prone to acne.
You deserve to enjoy the skin you are in. Care and protect it from the harsh heat of summer and you will have healthy radiant skin for decades to come!
by urbansqueeze | Apr 20, 2017 | Facials, Holistic Health, Skincare
There was once a time when men’s health and beauty practices were seen as unnecessary and possibly a little too feminine. Pedicures, manicures, massages, and facials were once frowned upon amongst the male community. However, these types of practices are not just for the vain and pampered. There is lengthy list of health benefits and men all over the world are beginning to implement these practices into their routine self-care regimens.
If getting a mani/pedi is pushing it a bit too far for you, let’s start with something a little more docile, a facial. A facial is just one step further than a massage, so if you have already experienced the power of a great massage, this concept should be easier to get on board with.
Here are just a few reasons you too should consider getting an occasional facial.
1. A Smoother Shave
The skin on your face is exposed to the negative effects from our environment far more than any other skin on your body. External pollutants in combination with daily shaving and lack of a good skin care regimen creates damaged skin, and some men even experience razor burn. Shaving over irritated and damaged skin can create acne like symptoms which leave you with a rough and painful shave every time. The masks, scrubs, and moisturizers that an esthetician typically uses help smooth your skin and allow your razor to glide smoothly over your face.
2. Men produce more oil
Due to the higher testosterone levels in men versus women, men generally produce more oil. Increased oil production can lead to blemishes if not cleaned regularly. You might choose to pop those pimples on your own at home, however doing so can cause damage and noticeable inflammation to your skin. Probably not the look you’re going for! A licensed esthetician will be able to extract pimples and clear your pores safely with precision instruments and expert knowledge of the skin. They will then follow-up the extraction with products that will be safe and helpful in healing any damage and minimizing the appearance of your pores. This leaves your skin looking clearer and smoother.
3. Aging gracefully
Moisturizing! So many men do not even think about moisturizing their skin, let alone their face. However, one of the biggest factors in premature aging is a lack of hydration in your skin. Dry skin loses its elasticity and is unable to repair itself properly. Facials provide deep hydration that replenishes your skin and promotes rejuvenation. Daily moisturizing in between facials will help prolong the effects of your facial and slow down the aging process.
4. Relaxation
Men work extremely hard day in and day out. You deserve a little relaxation and “me” time. Facials include a facial massage which are just as, if not more relaxing, than a massages which are known for reducing stress and resetting your focus. This helps you to be more productive and successful in your day to day.
If you’re still having a hard time accepting that it is okay for men to get facials, look to the experts at GQ and Men’s Health to see their take on this subject. In an article written by GQ journalist Tony Parson titled “Real Men Get Facials”, Tony shares his own personal experience of getting his very first facial. Parson’s states, “I have been to the mountain, and I have had a facial – and I see at last what I have been missing out on for years”. Also according to a statement in Men’s Health’s blog “3 Good Reasons to get a Facial”, Samantha Inzalaco states, “In fact, probably more than the ladies, guys need facials, thanks to their coarser skin, larger pores, and increased chance of sun damage.”
Do yourself a favor, and schedule a facial today!