by urbansqueeze | Nov 14, 2019 | Holistic Health, Skincare
And that is not all. Traditionally we think of pumpkins during the fall season when pumpkin spice latte’s and pumpkin patches begin to be advertised. But did you know that pumpkins have a number of beneficial qualities both when used topically and when eaten? After our research we found four main benefits:
- Anti-aging antioxidants including vitamin C and vitamin A, which boost collagen production and the elasticity of your skin. Antioxidants also can prevent certain degenerative damage, especially to your skin and eyes.
- Fruit enzymes and Alpha Hydroxy Acids – these increase cell production which results in more vibrant and glowing skin. No more dry and dull skin after a pumpkin facial.
- Nutrient-dense, meaning that it can penetrate deeper into cells to have a more prominent outcome when applied directly onto the skin and when ingested.
- Overall a healthy body when eaten regularly pumpkin has a large amount of potassium, beta-carotene, and fiber which can have a positive effect on weight management, blood pressure, and interruption in the aging process. The beta-carotene in pumpkin converts into vitamin A and has been said to contribute to a stronger immune system and healthier hair!
At Urban Squeeze we have done the research and now offer a pumpkin facial.
To seal the benefits and continue to reap the profits from your treatment, founder and owner Rachael Smolinsky enthusiastically recommend pumpkin seed oil, saying, “I love pumpkin seed oil! It’s known as liquid gold and has natural sun protection and locks in the anti-aging antioxidants and enzymes. I personally use Mountain Rose Herbs oil, which is offered at a price that won’t break your bank. Buy the Guiltless Skincare cleanser that includes the pumpkin oil at your next visit, when you book your Pumpkin Facial with our facial experts.
by urbansqueeze | Jun 19, 2018 | Holistic Health, Skincare

Summer’s here, and chances are, you already have plans for a relaxing vacation and some serious downtime to recharge your batteries.
Many people spend the months leading up to summer with diets meant to give them the perfect “beach body.”
Unfortunately, many of those same people often neglect a major component of their physical health—their skin.
Summer sun and humidity can take a toll on your skin; as a way of heading this off, here are our top tips for making sure your skin stays healthy this summer.
One important routine you should practice is exfoliating your skin; do this every day, first thing in the morning before you add anything else to your skin, like sunscreen or make-up. Use a loofah or exfoliating brush along with a scrub designed for this purpose. By doing so, you will get rid of the dead skin and other impurities that can clog up your pores and make your skin oily.
Most people know that water is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle, but many don’t realize how much the skin needs hydration as well. Adults should drink at least 64 ounces of water daily (that’s eight, eight-ounce glasses of water); this prevents skin from drying out, especially if you plan on spending time outdoors, and contributes to an overall healthier feeling.
Don’t be afraid to apply extra hydration such as moisturizing creams and masks. Toners can also be used throughout the day to help touch up your skin if it starts to get dry.
We cannot stress this enough: if you are going to spend any time outdoors this summer, you absolutely must make sure that you apply sunscreen before heading out. The American Association of Dermatologists recommends using a sunscreen with an SPF rating of at least 30. If you are fair skinned or burn easily, you will probably want a much higher SPF. We also recommend mineral-based sunscreen.
Plan on making time to reapply your sunscreen several times throughout the day. As a rule of thumb, you should put on more sunscreen every time you get out of the water and, if not swimming, you should still add more about every two hours. If you do get sunburned, use a soothing aloe-based gel to take the sting out and help your skin start to heal.
This summer, resolve to take better care of your skin. Healthy skin doesn’t just reflect good physical health, but it can also help boost your self-esteem and confidence.
by urbansqueeze | May 15, 2018 | Essential Oils, Holistic Health, Skincare
Essential Oils: Rose Touch and Its Benefits
It’s well known that roses have the ability to warm your spirits and brighten your day. Receiving a big bouquet of the beautiful flowers can be a loving and affectionate touch that will definitely help your mental and spiritual health. But what about improving your physical health?
In fact, those who are attuned to the healing properties of essential oils have found that Rose Touch oil can have significant benefits when it comes to your overall health and can put you into a better frame both physically and mentally.
What is Rose Touch?
Rose Touch is an essential oil that blends fractionated coconut oil with rose essential oil. Part of the process of creating rose touch is to harvest rose petals and then distill them to separate the oils. Usually these are used in perfumes because of their sweet aroma. But in this case, the oil is blended to create a product that can be used in different ways and for a variety of effects. It can be applied topically, particularly to pulse points or the neck and wrists. It can also be applied directly to the skin around blemishes to help treat these.
What are the benefits of using Rose Touch?
There are a variety of different benefits that are associated with Rose Touch.
- First and foremost, rose oil has been found to lift a person’s emotions in general. But this has also been found to help alleviate depression and anxiety as has been used as an all-natural antidepressant.
- Rose oil has also been found to help alleviate inflammation of the body, particularly in the joints as seen in those suffering from arthritis, rheumatism, and gout. It has also been found to lower inflammation of the digestive tract and can reduce fever.
- Rose oil has long been used for its qualities in skin care. The oil balances moisture levels in the skin and has been found to help acne, scars, and even stretch marks fade quicker. The oil has also been found to help skin wounds heal quicker because of its antiseptic qualities. It also acts as an astringent which can help not only tone the skin, but also help with blood flow and the firmness of muscles.
- Because roses have long been linked with romance, it should come as no surprise that it has aphrodisiacal qualities meant to increase the libido and promote desire.
- Finally, rose oil has been found to help with hormone regulation which can lead to an easing of menstrual cramps and pains.
These are just a selection of the benefits that come from using Rose Touch. It is an essential oil that can help bring a little romance to your life and a little physical and mental balance to your overall well-being.
by urbansqueeze | Feb 15, 2018 | Facials, Holistic Health, Skincare
Back Acne Got You Down? Try A Facial.
No one likes to talk about bacne, but it can be a real hardship. “Bacne,” or acne on your back, isn’t just something teenagers have to deal with. Many adults have problems with oily skin, clogged pores and pimples all over their body as well. Like your face, your back has numerous oil-secreting glands, and acne on this area of your body can be especially troublesome. An obvious problem is that it’s difficult to see, let alone reach, your own back. Often, someone with back acne may not even know it – and if they do, they don’t know what to do about it.
There are several options to help prevent and treat back acne.
Avoid oil-based skincare products.
When shopping for moisturizers, sunscreen, and cosmetics, look for products that are labeled as water-based, or otherwise say that they don’t promote acne. In addition, products that are for sensitive skin, and are fragrance and dye free, could help avoid acne.
Eliminate pressure on your back.
Wearing anything too tight, or having constant pressure on your back can cause a buildup of heat and moisture, which eventually leads to acne. This is a problem especially for women, whose bras, sportswear, and even purse straps can put pressure on the skin all day long. Try to wear all-natural fabrics like cotton, since synthetics tend to trap moisture.
Keep your back clean and free of dirt.
Take regular showers, especially after working out or being outside for an extended period of time. In addition, keep your hair clean (avoiding heavy products and conditioners), and don’t allow it to hang on your back for too long.
Try an over the counter treatment.
Anything you use on your face can also be used on your back. While chemical treatments can be too harsh for some people, there are plenty of effective all-natural remedies. Some common treatments include witch hazel, apple cider vinegar, green tea, and even fish oil supplements.
Consider getting a back facial.
A back facial helps combat issues such as clogged pores, oily skin, and acne, and employs many of the same techniques used in a traditional facial. Before beginning, the esthetician will talk to you about your skin and suggest a specific treatment tailored just to you. You will start out lying face down on a table as if you were getting a massage. A typical treatment will start out with a steaming to open pores, followed by a deep cleaning and exfoliation. Some spas include a shoulder or light back massage, and auxiliary treatments (such as a glycolic acid peel) are often available for an additional fee.
Back acne can be unsightly and embarrassing, but with the proper preventative measures, most people should be able to easily treat it. If you are concerned about body acne, contact us today to book your 60-minute back facial (complete with relaxing massage!).
by UrbanSqueezeWeb | Nov 1, 2017 | Skincare
Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States. If you have acne and are an adult, you are not alone! Around 50 million Americans deal with acne every year. 50% of adult women and 25% of adult men suffer from acne. Sadly, acne cannot be cured, but it can be effectively treated.
There are several factors that can lead to people developing acne, including overactive oil glands, genetics, hormones, menstruation, stress, depression, medications, and foods with a high glycemic index. Stress is often the main culprit in adult acne. It turns on inflammatory pathways, which results in breakouts. When treating this issue, it is important to maintain regular cleansing habits. Here are a few other tips to assist in managing adult acne:
- Change your diet. Poor diet choices and food sensitivities may be the cause of adult acne rather than hormonal imbalances. The clue is in the type of spot you have: fine red pimples or whiteheads on the face, neck and chest are usually caused by food reactions; large pimples and cysts are generally hormonal.
- Steam your face. Steaming opens pores, removes blockages and promotes detoxification. Half-fill a bowl with boiled, filtered water, then add 2–3 drops of an essential oil (chamomile, lavender, tea-tree) mixed into a teaspoon of carrier oil. Place your face over the bowl and cover your head with a towel so the steam doesn’t escape. Steam for five minutes. Follow with gentle exfoliation and a cleansing clay mask. Repeat 2–3 times a week.
- Use anti-bacterial cleansers regularly. These can topically help to heal your acne.
- Don’t over-wash your skin. Acne is rarely caused by dirty skin. Alkaline soaps, foaming cleansers and hot water can dry out your skin, triggering your sebaceous glands to produce more oil. Use a gentle, non-foaming pH-balanced cleanser morning and night.
- Consider a detox. Your skin is often the first place to show when the liver is congested, as wastes and toxins are pushed out through the skin. A detox can help spring-clean your liver and elimination organs and significantly improve your skin. While you may get breakouts during a cleanse, this usually subsides once toxins have been flushed out.
- Manage stress. Research has identified that stress can instigate acne flare-ups. Managing stress to lower and control cortisol (the stress hormone) can help treat acne. Massages have been proven to lower cortisol levels and as a result, lower stress. In addition to keeping your skin clean and properly moisturized, reducing stress through massage can help reduce acne breakouts.
Acne at any age is distressing, but adult acne can be particularly hard to treat—especially for women. While there is no cure for acne, it can be effectively treated. In addition to following the tips above, see your doctor who can help determine the cause of your breakouts and help you devise a treatment plan.
by UrbanSqueezeWeb | Nov 1, 2017 | Skincare
For many people, the cold days of winter bring more than just a rosy glow to the cheeks. We’re constantly talking about how to keep your face radiant and hands moisturized, but what about your feet? Just because they’re hidden in thick socks and your favorite boots doesn’t mean you should ignore them. Think of the major disservice you are doing to yourself: months of neglect in winter will only mean more effort will be needed to get your feet sandal ready in the summer!
Believe it or not, your feet have a blood supply that is affected by climate. When your feet are cold, the blood supply to the top layers of the skin has been reduced to preserve heat. Your feet can become as dry as chapped lips without even being exposed to the elements. Think of winter pedicures as a way to care for and pamper your feet, keeping cracked heels at bay and ready for warmer weather shoes.
Here are some of our best tips for taking care of your feet in the cold winter months:
- Hook Up the Humidifier. Central heating systems (as well as space heaters) blast hot dry air. Humidifiers get more moisture in the air, which helps prevent your skin from drying out. Place several small humidifiers throughout your home to help disperse the moisture more evenly.
- Moisturize More. You may have found a moisturizer that works just fine in spring and summer. But as weather conditions change, so, too, should your skin care routine. Find an “ointment” moisturizer that’s oil-based, rather than water-based for the winter months. The oil will create a protective layer on the skin that retains more moisture than a cream or lotion.
- Exfoliate. Use an exfoliating cleanser to get the dead skin off and reduce calluses. This helps any moisturizers you use to sink in faster and deeper. You can even make your own exfoliator! Combine sea salt, an oil (peppermint and lavender are great options) and a touch of water, then massage all over your feet. You can use brown sugar and oats in the scrub as well.
- Use a Pumice Stone. After rinsing away your scrub, follow it by gently exfoliating your soles with a pumice stone for rough calluses. For extra stubborn calluses you can shave them off gently with a callus shaver. Be aware, though – over-filing your feet can lead to an overgrowth of hard skin, which will create callouses.
- Ban Superhot Baths. Soaking in a burning-hot bath feels great after frolicking out in the cold. But the intense heat of a hot shower or bath actually breaks down the lipid barriers in the skin, which can lead to a loss of moisture. Restore heat in cold feet by applying foot cream in circular motions from the heel up to the toe. This will not only warm your feet, but also moisturize them at the same time.
Hiding your feet away in socks and boots during winter is not an excuse to neglect them. Follow the simple tips above to make sure your feet are well taken care of and ready for sandals when warmer weather returns.