Why Essential Oils Are Incorporated Into Everything at the Wellness Collective

Why Essential Oils Are Incorporated Into Everything at the Wellness Collective

Essential oils are an integral part of your personalized experience here at the Wellness Collective. We want you to gain the benefits of better health and balance while helping you destress and relax. We believe that essential oils can effectively treat common ailments. Aromatherapy can also help trigger certain states of mind for rejuvenation and relaxation.

By incorporating rich essential oil blends that are designed for your health and relaxation, we can help you find the balance you deserve. Your mind and body are worth it. By using essential oil in massage, we are able to use the healing powers of nature in combination with the health benefits of time-honored muscle relaxation techniques. Studies have shown that essential oils and massage can create a perfect storm of health benefits such as improved sleep quality, reduction of anxiety, stabilization of mood, increased mental capacity, and improvement in memory.

As our stress increases, our bodies break down until muscles grow tense, our systems suffer, and our minds can’t focus. Research suggests that 90% of illness are caused or made worse by stress. This is due to the release of the stress hormone called cortisol. Massage and essential oil application can reduce cortisol dramatically and allow serotonin (a feel-good, anti-pain hormone) to increase. This extra boost helps you fight off pain and anxiety leading to a happier, healthier lifestyle.

We use aromatherapy to create calming and soothing scents that induce relaxation and clarity. With our AromaTouch technique, we apply eight specific therapeutic grade essential oils to trigger relaxation and balance, and offer it for most of our massages.

Our goal is to provide you with a customized, holistic experience that will help rejuvenate you and your body. We are just as rough on our minds as we are on our bodies and essential oils provide a bridge between nature and our busy world.

We use blends from the doTerra collection because they are thoroughly tested and provide superior quality for naturally safe and effective therapeutic-grade essential oils. They take intricate care in the harvest, distillation, and distribution of their oils so we know that you’ll receive the best possible care at our hands.

Your mind, body, and health are worth it.  Set up your appointment today and feel the benefits first hand. If you’re a new client, make sure you check out our New Client Special. Our summer 6 pack discount is still going strong. Don’t miss out!

The Importance of Myofascial Release Massage

With the use of gentle, sustained pressure, a myofascial release massage can help eliminate pain and restore motion in soft tissue by focusing on the tough membranes that wrap, connect, and support your muscles. These tough membranes are also known as myofascial tissues. Inflammatory response, trauma, and/or surgical procedures can create restrictions in the soft tissues that can cause pain, muscle tension, and diminished blood flow. These results will rarely show up in traditional, standard tests like x-rays, electromyography, or CAT scans.

Pain causes a protection response from the body. The muscles around that pain point will contract to provide support and protect the surrounding tissues. Over time, this can lead to more restrictions, especially when you talk about something like chronic pain. If these pain points aren’t managed, more pain can result as blood flow becomes restricted to the contracted area. Imagine that myofascial release is a way to smooth out these hard knots of stiffness and pain.

During a myofascial release massage, the massage therapist locates areas that feel stiff and fixed instead of movable and elastic. They do this through light, manual pressure. These areas may not be close to the pain. Think about the chronic pain cycle mentioned above. The knots and restrictions can create compounded pain that travels elsewhere. Your body is one system that works together to protect itself.

With focused manual pressure and tissue stretching, the muscles loosen up. This can move indirectly to reducing overall muscle pain. The therapist moves from trigger point to trigger point until the tension is fully released.

Myofascial release isn’t for everyone. If you take blood-thinning medications, have deep vein thrombosis or other deep vein issues, or have weak, fragile or broken bones, myofascial release shouldn’t be attempted without consulting your doctor.

A massage therapist should listen as you explain your areas of concern, pay attention to your needs, and work with you to unravel the knots of pain in your body. Whether it’s neck, back, knee, or elbow pain, myofascial release may be just what you need.

If you’re looking for that extra mile in fine massage, we offer some incredible options. Our myofascial release therapy may be just what you need to fight back against pain. Our Summer 6 Pack is still going on! Buy six massages at a great discount and enjoy your amazing summer.

Dealing with Dry Facial Skin

Whether it’s UV damage, weather exposure, lack of daily skin care, or any other reason, dry facial skin can take the joy out of your day. It can be uncomfortable or embarrassing, but there are great options available to fight back. Facials are one of the best ways to deal with the effects by stimulating and rejuvenating your skin. A facial can give your skin that extra moisturizing push it needs to get back to its regular self-cleansing, self-healing, and self-regenerating cycle. Your aesthetician can select the combination of exfoliation, moisturization, and massage techniques unique to your skin type.

So what, exactly, is involved in a rehydrating facial?

Cleaning and exfoliating

Exfoliating removes dead skin and softens resistive tissue and hair follicles. Which eliminates dirt, toxins, and other cellular debris clogging up your pores. A hydrating cleanser is then used to help jump start your skin’s moisturizing capability. These gentle cleansers should be selected based upon your skin type with a focus on current sensitivities.


Nutrient rich masks are necessary to invigorate your dehydrated skin. They work to lift your skin to a new level, repairing damage and soothing the post-exfoliation process. There are many types of masks, from heated to cold creams. We offer some unique options as well. Age defying facials will incorporate age defying products and massage to lift and plump the skin while an acne facial can reduce inflammation, redness, and pimples. A particular favorite is the heated bamboo facial massage which utilizes heated bamboo implements that glide smoothly over the face to deliver a luxurious sense of relaxation.


Massage is a wonderful way to stimulate healing in the mind and body. Its effects have been proven time and again. By using focused facial massages to target dry areas, your skin can absorb the rich oils and other moisturizing treatments available while gaining the added benefit of de-stressing.

This three-part combination creates a relaxing and rejuvenating experience that transcends your normal daily skin care routine. There are other things you can do to help maintain that glow between facials.

Make sure you use a sunscreen to protect your skin, even on cloudy days. Use moisturizers and cleansing products that are right for your skin type. Limit your exposure to the elements where you can. Your face is the first thing the world sees. Give it the love and care it deserves. Get a facial today and you’ll see immediate results.

Best Essential Oils for Pregnant Women

Essential oils are a wonderful way to soothe discomfort, ease aches, and connect intimately with your body’s changes as it adapts to create a place of protection and warmth for your baby’s development.

There are some things you should know, however. There are some essential oils that become unsafe during pregnancy (some may cause contractions).

Don’t worry! We’ve compiled a great list of essential oils that can be used during pregnancy (with a few examples of how they can be used), and those that you should avoid.

It is not recommended to ingest essential oils without first verifying that they are safe for ingestion, and always consult your doctor to discuss essential oil use during your pregnancy.

List of Essential Oils Safe for Use during of Pregnancy

  • Bergamot – Can be used topically or inhaled. Helps with cold, flu, insomnia, congestion, itching, rashes, stress, tension, upset stomach, and more.
  • Eucalyptus – Antiviral, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties
  • Geranium – Mix a few drops with a carrier oil and apply to painful joint areas to ease aches.
  • Ginger – Fantastic for indigestion, especially when mixed with peppermint. Mix 1-2drops of each and apply the blend in a clockwise motion over your stomach and the bottom of the feet.
  • Grapefruit – Wonderful for easing water retention.
  • Lavender – Lavender is safe for use after 12 weeks of pregnancy. It helps relieve the pain of pregnancy and reduce water retention. It also helps keep you calm and balanced.  
  • Lemon – Great for helping reduce water retention and also fills you with energy.
  • Lime – Excellent in combination with ginger for morning sickness.
  • Neroli – Helps with anxiety and “pregnancy nerves”
  • Peppermint – Use peppermint oil sparingly toward the end of pregnancy and while breast feeding, as it has been known to decrease milk production.
  • Sweet Orange – Can make you feel happy, uplifted, and calm
  • Ylang Ylang – Fantastic all-around essential oil that lowers blood pressure and eases stress and tension. A few drops of this oil in a hot bath can help relieve muscle pain.

There are essential oils that are wonderful for you at times and at other times they are unsafe during pregnancy. Some cause contractions and others can hurt the development of your baby.

These are Essential Oils to AVOID:

Coriander, Costus, Deertongue, Elecampane, Horseradish, Hyssop, Juniper Berry, Melilotus, Mustard, Mugwort, Nutmeg, Origanum, Parsley, Rosemary, Rue, Sassafras, Savin, Savory, Tansy, Thyme, Tonka, Wintergreen, Wormwood

Some safety tips:

  1. ALWAYS verify if an essential oil is safe to take internally, they will be marked. Consult with your doctor before ingesting any oils.
  2. Always use essential oils with carrier oil (such as coconut, almond, avocado etc.) The dilution amount should be 1%, which means 6 drops of essential oil to one ounce of carrier oil.
  3. When using a diffuser, always use a cold cold mist diffuser as heat will degrade the oils. Diffuse approximately 30-60 minutes on and one hour off.
  4. Never add essential oils to the birthing pool.
  5. Make sure you buy 100% organic oils from trusted sources to prevent exposure to toxic fertilizer and pesticide chemicals that could harm you or your child.

If relaxation is what you are looking for, consider booking a pregnancy massage with us here at the Wellness Collective instead. Our Prenatal Massage works to reduce back pain, tension, and hip discomfort. This aids in keeping stress low and maintaining a healthy pregnancy.


Dealing with TMJ and Jaw Tenseness

Dealing with TMJ and Jaw Tenseness

According to The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, TMJ affects an estimated 10 million Americans every year with some research stating that 75% will experience it at some point in their lives. TMJ, or Temporomandibular joint disorder or dysfunction, can be very painful for anyone dealing with this issue.

This disorder is often caused by the clenching or grinding of teeth which then tightens and sometimes even locks up the muscles connecting the lower jaw bone to the skull. It can also be caused by an injury to the neck or head like whiplash, arthritis, or even stress. Symptoms of this disorder include pain or tenderness in your face, neck, or jaw muscles. This can cause it to be difficult to open your mouth wide, speak, or eat. You may also experience a clicking or popping sound in your ear while you chew or a feeling of your jaw getting “stuck” while opening. These symptoms can make it difficult to accomplish daily tasks and impact your quality of life.

There are many invasive forms of treatment available to treat TMJ like surgery, dental work, splints, and strong pain medications. However, we prefer the more natural hands on approach before opting for these other forms of treatments. Massage therapy has been used for hundreds of years to relieve muscle pain in the body, and your temporomandibular muscles are not excluded. These are the muscles that connect your jaw bone to your skull and affect the surrounding muscles in your head and neck as well. If one set of muscles is injured or tense, it will be felt in its neighboring muscles as well.

Through massage therapy, we are able to gently work on all of those muscles and help relieve the tension tightening them up. One of the methods of massage that is available for TMJ is called intraoral massage. This is where a massage therapist who specializes in TMJ will massage the inside muscles of your mouth and directly address the muscles in the affected joint. Naturally, your therapist will always wear gloves while performing this therapy. Most patients experience no additional pain during the session and often report a relaxing in their face and neck and pain relief. The pain relief can be a result of both the calming of the tightened muscles as well as the release of endorphins that we are all fond of.

After your massage session you will need to try to not increase the possibility of your TMJ symptoms returning. Try to keep your stress low, concentrate on relaxing your jaw muscles, and avoid foods that are hard or tough to chew, even wearing a mouth guard during sleep will help. If your symptoms do return despite your best efforts, there are home remedies available for you to use in between massage sessions.

At the Wellness Collective, all of our facials include facial massage, and so whether you are getting a full-body massage, or a facial treatment, we can help you soothe your tight jaw muscles!

Sometimes TMJ can only be treated through the more extreme methods of treatment, but it is nice to know that there are other options to explore first. Be sure to always talk with your doctor first and work towards finding the best treatment plan for you.