5 Tips to Help you Look and Feel Younger, Including Hydration and Cryoskin!
Everyone gets cellulite at some point in their life. And while it is completely normal, it isn’t something we all enjoy seeing on our own bodies. Cellulite often appears around the hips, thighs and the buttocks. It is caused by fat deposits under the skin pushing up toward the surface, creating that uneven or dimpled texture.
Fortunately, there are a few things that you can do to get rid of cellulite and smooth the appearance of your skin. Here are our favorite tips to help you look and feel younger.
Exercise Regularly
A slow metabolism can increase the amount or the severity of cellulite. To kick your metabolism into high gear, exercise regularly. Not only does it help your overall health, but it can help destroy fat cells that cause the appearance of cellulite.
Eat Healthy
Just like regular exercise, a healthy diet can help you manage and destroy fat. Make sure you are eating nutrient dense foods, like veggies and salmon, to give your body the fuel it needs to get through the day. Also, cut back on sugars and bad fats that will just make you gain weight and won’t give you the energy your body craves.
Stay Hydrated
Being dehydrated depletes your skin’s volume and can make cellulite that you do have more visible. So keep sipping on that water all day to keep your skin healthy and youthful!
Boost Your Metabolism with IV Infusion Therapy
Jumpstart your metabolism with one of our Infusion Therapies, like our Detox/Weight Loss IV or our Lipo B IM Injection. The premium quality compounds in our Detox/Weight Loss IV are designed to help you feel more energized, burn fat, boost your metabolism and provide your body the nutrients it needs for optimal wellness. Our Lipo B IM Injection is a supplement designed to help reduce excess fats from specific areas of the body. Each individual component of this injection has a lipotropic effect, which is believed to work synergistically in getting rid of body fat!
Enjoy the Benefits of Cryoskin
Cryoskin is changing the way we look at weight loss and plastic surgery! If you are experiencing stubborn cellulite, this revolutionary treatment offers a painless and convenient way to effectively reduce fat cells and increase collagen production, which gives your skin youthful volume and a glowy complexion. Cryoskin applies very cold temperatures to specific areas of your body. This then causes a process known as apoptosis, which tears down fat cells and increases blood flow, resulting in weight loss and skin toning!
Look and Feel Younger Today!
Here at the US Wellness Collective, we believe in a holistic approach to weight loss and cellulite reduction. If you are ready to lose some of that stubborn fat and cellulite, we offer many different treatments to help you no matter where you are in your weight loss journey. We offer nutrition and health management services with the Detox/Weight Loss IV and Lipo B IM injections administered by our very own RN! We also offer Cryoskin services, including croytoning, cryoskin fat and cryofacials.
Book your appointment today!