
The Benefits of Cryotoning

Cryoskin is changing the way we are looking at weight management, weight loss and plastic surgery. This non-invasive and effective treatment is used for slimming, toning and cellulite reduction. And unlike plastic surgery, it has little to no downtime after a procedure!


What is Cryoskin? 

Cryoskin is a trio of procedures: CryoToning, CryoSlimming and CryoFacial. All three use state-of-the-art technology to deliver very cold temperatures to the areas treated; however, each is used for different purposes. 


CryoToning: This treatment is specifically used to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Multiple areas can be treated in a single session. 


CryoSlimming: This treatment, also called CryoFat, is used to help with weight loss and management. One area is treated per session. 


CryoFacials: This treatment is like a non-surgical face lift, helping to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. 


How Can Cryoskin Help with Weight Management?

Let’s dive deeper into CryoSlimming, which is used for weight loss and management. During this procedure, sub-zero temperatures are delivered to the treated area. This freezes the fat cells, effectively killing them. These dead fat cells are then flushed out of the body through the urinary system. This process is called cryolipolysis. This means that CryoSlimming effectively reduces stubborn fat and keeps it off, helping you with your weight management goals. 


Why is Cryoskin Effective for Helping with Weight Management?

What makes Cryoskin so effective for helping with weight loss and management is that once fat cells are dead, they don’t come back. This means that your weight loss is permanent and the only way you would see an increase in weight after a procedure is if your body produces new fat cells. Cryoskin is also safer than plastic surgery and is generally painless. Because it is non-invasive, you don’t have to worry about needles, blades or infections. In fact, many celebrities use cryoskin to tone their skin and slim down. 


Who Should Use Cryoskin?

Not everyone is a good candidate for CryoSlimming. The best candidates for this procedure are those who are already close to their weight goal and are just having problems getting rid of stubborn fat. This means that CryoSlimming is not a replacement for a healthy diet and exercise. Also, once you have a CryoSlimming treatment, you should continue with your exercise regimen and diet so that your body does not produce new fat cells. 


A Holistic Approach to Weight Loss and Management

At the US Wellness Collective, we believe in a holistic approach to your health and wellness. That is why we offer Cryoskin as part of our weight loss and management services. Combined with the education of a Master’s degree in nursing, we have created a powerful approach to weight loss and management and our services include: 

  • Nutrition/Health management services
  • Weight Loss IV
  • LipoB IM Injections
  • Homeopathic Weight Loss
  • CryoFat


It’s time to live your best life! Book your consultation today to see how we can help you look and feel good!