Skin Care
Our skin is the largest organ in our bodies and taking care of it properly is vital to our overall health. However, it can be easy to be overwhelmed by the abundance of skin care advice available to us. How can we make skin care a bit simpler without all of the expensive anti-aging and acne fighting products constantly being thrown at us? Well we understand this frustration all too well and hope to help simplify skin care for you.
Here is our list of five simple things you can do to care for your skin!
1. Drink lots of water
Our bodies are made up of about 70% water. Water is essential for all organs and maintaining their proper functions. It is also vital for healthy cell reproduction and growth. With our skin being the largest organ in our body, overlooking its need for water can have a large impact on the health of your skin and its overall appearance. If your skin becomes dehydrated, it will begin to look dull, dry, and cracked. It is recommended that you drink 8 eight-ounce glasses of water each day or ½ ounce – 1 ounce of water per each pound that you weigh.
2. Healthy Diet
Watching what you eat is not exclusive to the number on the scale. While it is true that if you indulge in unhealthy food that your waistline will grow, but it is also true for your skin. Research has shown that an excess amount of caffeine and sugar in your body will cause inflammation and prevent your body’s systems from functioning appropriately. Avoiding foods high in fat, sugar, and caffeine will help keep your skin beautiful and even help those pesky numbers on the scale.
3. Avoid Smoking
If you are a smoker, I’m sure you have heard this a thousand and one times. Quitting can be extremely difficult and feel impossible at times. However, continuing to smoke will not only affect your lungs, but also allow harmful chemicals to build up in your bloodstream causing strain on every aspect of your body. In regards to your skin, you will notice pre-mature aging, dullness, and uneven skin tones. Quitting can be hard, but once that chapter of your life is closed you will begin to feel healthier and be able to take back your life. If you want to learn more about ways to stop smoking for good, click here.
4. Sun Protection
With summer on the approach, you might be planning lots of outdoor activities and maybe even a sunny vacation somewhere tropical. Tan skin might be aesthetically pleasing; however soaking in those rays of sunshine can be harmful if your skin is not properly protected. UVB and UVA rays are damaging to your skin and can lead to age spots, pre-mature aging, and even cancer. Whenever you go outside, even on a cloudy day, apply sunscreen to all exposed skin. SPF 30 or higher is recommended for prolonged sun exposure whereas SPF 15 could be sufficient for everyday use. Many moisturizers include sun protection in them already and is preferred by many dermatologists. For additional protection wear hats, sunglasses, or clothing coverings.
5. Keep Your Stress Levels Low
Stress can be extremely hard on your body and your skin. When your body is in stress mode, it triggers a release of cortisol and other hormones into your system. These substances cause your sebaceous glands to secrete oil, clogging your pores and causing acne. Not only can it cause you to break out, but can also cause hives or exasperate existing issues such as eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea. Sometimes there are things that we cannot prevent in life; however finding ways to deal with stress in a healthy way is vital in your overall health. Go for a run, paint, read, or book a massage and allow your mind and your body to relax in between the moments of chaos.
Use these five simple practices to find a healthier you and love the skin you are in!