
Essential oils smell amazing and have many great health benefits. However, did you know that they can also be extremely beneficial to athletes and other physically active people? The benefits that essential oils have to offer are abundant and almost limitless. Here are just a few ways that you and your active loved ones can use these oils to help improve your athletic performance and help restore your body.

  1. Sore Muscles

There are a lot of essential oils that offer soothing effects for sore muscles. A few of the most well-known are wintergreen, lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus. These oils offer a warming effect that helps soothe pain, calm irritation, and relax the sore muscles.

  1. Improved Breathing

When you are working out, especially during your cardio sessions, you may feel like your lungs are being strained. You know that painful gasping for air feeling? Utilizing essential oils that open up your airways can help with that immensely. The most beneficial oils for this are eucalyptus, wintergreen, and peppermint. These can be used on their own or can be found in oil blends like doTERRA’s Breathe blend. By opening your airways, you are able to allow more oxygen to pass through your lungs and promote healthy O2 exchange which then fuels your muscles, offering a more productive workout.

  1. Digestive Aide

When working out it is important that your digestive health is in order too. Most athletes accompany their workout regimen with a healthy nutrition plan. When starting a new plan, your body can go through a period of adjustment. Oils like peppermint, DigestZen, and lemon help aide in healthy digestion and regular movements. These can also help with nausea and heart burn which is also often associated with a change in diet or exercise regimen.

  1. Injuries

Occasionally an athlete may take a spill on the trail or acquire a few blisters. Oils like lavender, tea tree (melaleuca), and frankincense offer many benefits for these kinds of injuries. These oils can calm irritation, disinfect infected areas, and help restore cell regeneration. Apply these quickly to an affected area for immediate and quick natural first aide response.

  1. Relaxation

At the end of a long workout session, a bit of R&R is essential. Try mixing some lavender, Peace, or Deep Blue in your Epsom salt and take a nice long bath to soothe those sore muscles and help encourage recovery. Diffusing Roman chamomile, lavender, or frankincense can also help calm your mind and allow you to recharge your strength. Most of all, be sure that you are drinking plenty of water, eating a healthy diet, and listening to your body. You are the best measurement for your health, so be sure to take care of your body and address issues if any arise with your doctor.