And that is not all. Traditionally we think of pumpkins during the fall season when pumpkin spice latte’s and pumpkin patches begin to be advertised. But did you know that pumpkins have a number of beneficial qualities both when used topically and when eaten? After our research we found four main benefits:
- Anti-aging antioxidants including vitamin C and vitamin A, which boost collagen production and the elasticity of your skin. Antioxidants also can prevent certain degenerative damage, especially to your skin and eyes.
- Fruit enzymes and Alpha Hydroxy Acids – these increase cell production which results in more vibrant and glowing skin. No more dry and dull skin after a pumpkin facial.
- Nutrient-dense, meaning that it can penetrate deeper into cells to have a more prominent outcome when applied directly onto the skin and when ingested.
- Overall a healthy body when eaten regularly pumpkin has a large amount of potassium, beta-carotene, and fiber which can have a positive effect on weight management, blood pressure, and interruption in the aging process. The beta-carotene in pumpkin converts into vitamin A and has been said to contribute to a stronger immune system and healthier hair!
At Urban Squeeze we have done the research and now offer a pumpkin facial.
To seal the benefits and continue to reap the profits from your treatment, founder and owner Rachael Smolinsky enthusiastically recommend pumpkin seed oil, saying, “I love pumpkin seed oil! It’s known as liquid gold and has natural sun protection and locks in the anti-aging antioxidants and enzymes. I personally use Mountain Rose Herbs oil, which is offered at a price that won’t break your bank. Buy the Guiltless Skincare cleanser that includes the pumpkin oil at your next visit, when you book your Pumpkin Facial with our facial experts.