
Life itself can cause our bodies a lot of stress, which may result in aches and pains, poor skin tone and overall body fatigue. We often spend our time focusing more on our careers, families, and all the other responsibilities life throws at us. That we tend to forget to make ourselves a priority, our body and mind tend to be left feeling unloved. The good news is spending just five minutes a day focusing on yourself and self-love can make a world of difference. It is essential to carve out ‘me’ time, whether it is first thing in the morning or the last thing you do at night, even your lunch break at work qualifies. Take a few minutes and follow some of these simple self-care tips to ease the stresses of life.

One of the simplest methods to care for you is to breathe. Yes breathe. Find a quiet spot to sit and close your eyes, take a deep breath in, hold 5, 4, 3, 2, and release it slowly. Repeat this five times while focusing on clearing your thoughts and letting go of anything that is weighing on you. Let go of what causes you tension.

Need some other ideas? Sing to your heart’s content and do a little boogie. Play an upbeat song and dance around to it. This releases some of those uplifting endorphins, and can give you an instant boost. Focus on that song all day and use it to keep your mood motivated. In addition to singing the physical activity from dancing will keep those good vibe endorphins flowing and help regulate your stress hormones. The more regular exercise you get, the better the benefits. Do not get stressed about fitting it in though. Running up and down the stairs three times or squatting while standing in front of the stove are simple ways to add regular exercise to your already busy life.

Sleep all night long. Sometimes the only thing our bodies need is a good night’s sleep. Start the evening with a relaxing bath, using lavender or eucalyptus essential oils. Then gently massage in some moisturizing cream on your arms, legs, and face to help you maintain your skin while also relaxing your muscles. Once ready for bed drink a full glass of water and cuddle down between the sheets, deeply breathing while letting go of everything. You’ll doze off before you know it. Make sure to get a good eight hours of sleep to gain the most benefit.

The best thing you can do for your body is treat it right, with the right food, right amount of water and plenty of quality sleep. Avoid the junk food that gives you an immediate emotional rush but leaves you sluggish in the long term. When you are feeling a little down and stressed out avoid chocolate. Instead, choose nuts or a yogurt in your favorite flavor. These have longer lasting, positive effects on your body and your energy levels. Why not make your favorite meal one night and set it up as if expecting a special guest – yourself. This could change your mindset about food. Instead of a necessity, it becomes a pleasure.

If you feel your body needs a little more pampering and self-care, why not treat it to a facial or massage?  Both options are fantastic ways to rejuvenate your skin, relax your muscles and re-balance your body’s energy. Book an appointment today with us, and carve out a minimum 45 minutes, just for you.