
Massage is a luxury that you might treat yourself to occasionally, especially when experiencing stress. It feels amazing and allows you to escape from real life for a while. Yet, there are many other benefits and reasons why receiving a regular massage can do more than just help you relax. If you are a person that enjoys creative pursuits or operates a creative business, a massage can be highly beneficial!

Whether you are writing a novel, working on a challenging project, or coming up with new creative content for a business –a massage will help. This is because one of life’s biggest stressors can come from prolonged intense focus on a particularly taxing subject. The intense focus creative projects require can place blinders on an individual. a massage helps lift these blinders and allows ideas to formulate. Left unattended, this added stress can lead to anxiety, lack of sleep and even mental mind blocks. Mind blocks definitely prevent creative juices from running free, which in turns leaves you concerned about completing your current project, adding to your stress levels.

A relaxing massage, even just 30-minutes once a week, can make all difference. Gently manipulating the muscles across your back, shoulders, or even feet can help loosen the blinders around the creative cortex of your brain, giving those notions and future ideas free reign to escape. A particularly good massage technique is Swedish massage, which has been proven to increase the level of oxygen in the blood, decrease muscle toxins, and improve flexibility and circulation. Increased oxygen levels and circulation can positively impact the brain and its functionality, including your energy levels. This encourages more motivation and focus for your creative project. Plus, a good massage leaves you feeling rejuvenated and refreshed.

Regular massage will also improve your sleep levels. If you have been up all night trying to work out the next step in a book, or are hunched over a study book but can not remember any of it, a massage could finally allow you a good night’s rest. You will wake up with a refreshed mind and renewed energy to assist in developing a new idea, or making progress on an existing one. More than just the mental relief, a massage delivers other physical benefits for creatives. If you are sitting at a desk all day, or are working on a canvas/sculpture, you may find that your back in a lot of pain. You could develop posture problems that a series of deep tissue massages would correct. For those that partake in regular writing, or working with your hands on a project, a short hand massage eliminates the additional stress caused on your joints and muscles for this type of work.

Relieving stress all together is not easy, especially with the fast-paced, high demand of daily life. However, it is important to set time aside for yourself and to take care of your health. Not only will you feel better but tackling the issues that distract you will open your mind up to a world of creative possibilities.

We would love to talk with you more about the benefits of regular massage and how it has positively impacted our clients. For a full list of the massage services we provide, click here. Then call us today to schedule your next massage!