What the Differences are Between Cryoskin and CoolSculpting
By now you have probably heard the terms Cryoskin and CoolSculpting. But did you know that there are many differences between the two therapies? Both techniques are an effective means of reducing the appearance of fat within the body through what is called cryolipolysis. This is the freezing of fat cells, which causes these cells to die and then are subsequently flushed out of the body through natural processes. Both treatments are also non-invasive, making them safer and more convenient than plastic surgery, and side effects are minimal, including mild numbness, tingling and redness at the treated areas for a few hours or occasionally days.
What is Cryoskin?
Cryoskin was originally developed in France and is an umbrella term for the elimination of fat cells through the concentrated application of both cold and heat (apoptosis). The treatment involves using a wand-like instrument to glide over the areas being treated. However, there are actually three different Cryoskin treatments: CryoToning, CryoSlimming and CryoFacials.
CryoToning: This treatment is specifically used to reduce the appearance of cellulite. It uses a combination of alternating warm and cold temperatures to stimulate blood flow which increases collagen production, helping your skin look more youthful and supple. Multiple areas can be treated in a single session.
CryoSlimming: This treatment uses subzero temperatures to destroy fat cells. These dead fat cells are then flushed out of the body through the urinary system. One area is treated per session.
CryoFacials: This treatment is like a non-surgical face lift, using cold temperatures to increase collagen production which helps to tighten the face, neck and chin to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
What is CoolSculpting?
CoolSculpting involves using a paddle-like instrument that stays stationary over the treated areas during the procedure to deliver cold temps. CoolSculpting can be used to treat the fat of the inner and outer thighs, upper and lower abdomen, love handles, arms, chin, back and underneath the buttocks, among other areas on the body.
The Differences
Now that we have taken a look at how the two treatments are similar and what each entails, let’s take a look at the main differences.
Number of Procedures + Speed of Results: Once fat cells have died due to the cold temperatures, it takes the lymphatic system about two weeks to flush those dead cells out of the body. However, there are some differences in the number of treatments and speed of results. To get optimal results from Cryoskin, it is recommended that you receive three to five treatments. With CoolSculpting, you generally only need one treatment.
As for the speed of results, Cryoskin can show measurable results in a single session and because it does more than just freeze fat, you can see an immediate toning effect due to the stimulation of collagen production. For CoolSculpting, it will take one to four months for results to show.
Comfort: Both procedures are non-invasive, making them painless. During a CoolSculpting procedure, you will feel some aching or perhaps cramping; however, this often dissipates soon after the treatment begins. You will also feel some pulling as suction is applied and then the area generally goes numb within 5 to 10 minutes. While Cryoskin is applied like a “cold massage”, you might notice some mild DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness), but the treatment itself is non-painful and cold.
Side Effects: Side effects from both procedures are minimal in comparison to invasive procedures and you can get back to your daily life right after either treatment. With Cryoskin, you will experience some redness and numbness at the treatment areas for up to a few hours after the treatment. CoolSculpting can result in the same redness and numbness, but because it involves suction, it can have an additional side effect known as “shelving,” which is when fat collects in some areas.
Cost: When it comes to how much you’ll have to shell out for a treatment, CoolSculpting is more expensive. CoolSculpting can cost upwards of $2,000 depending on how many areas you want to treat while Cryoskin is generally several hundred dollars per treatment.
A Leaner, More Sculpted You!
Are you ready for a leaner, more sculpted you? At The US Wellness Collective, the possibilities are endless with Cryoskin! We’ll measure and track your success at each session. To learn more about how we can help you become the best version of yourself, book a Cryoskin Consultation appointment with us online today! Treatments are for aesthetic purposes only